Special recipes for the preparation of mustard powder at home. Powdered Mustard at Home: The Secret to Spicy Seasoning


Mustard - the birthplace of Asia, has gained its fame for quite some time.

The mention of this popular seasoning among people dates back to the Middle Ages.

Already at that time, mustard was appreciated not only for its taste characteristics, but also for the healing properties from the point of view of medicine.

And the French were the first to try mustard, it was they who created the spicy and mouth-watering sauce of mustard seeds, which was liked by both Europeans and the Russian population, who lived back in 1765.

As then, and today mustard, for many people, as well as connoisseurs of exquisite dishes and delicious dishes, is a delicious and fragrant seasoning, without which no celebratory feast or celebration can do.

General principles for the preparation of mustard powder at home

Modern mustard, sold in stores and supermarkets, is made from the following components:

  • ground mustard seeds, various spices, seasonings and spices, and is also based on various preservatives, aromatic and "E" additives.

Many of the above components in mustard should not be present at all, they are simply inappropriate there, since delicious and burning mustard is whole, spicy and tasty product.

Therefore, it is most expedient, and even more beneficial, to create mustard from dry powder at home independently, based on selected recipes and general principles of preparation:

• First of all, mustard powder should be a pure yellow color without any impurities and inclusions.

• When making mustard and brewing mustard, do not use boiling water, but warm, well, or hot water, since boiling water makes mustard soft and not so burning.

• In order for mustard to acquire even more appetizing taste and color, you can add to it - ground roasted nuts and mayonnaise.

• With the help of mustard, any kind of meat or any other dish can be improved by adding some zest and novelty to them.

• You can keep mustard for quite some time in the refrigerator, and the quality of seasoning will not deteriorate over time, it will remain the same burning and appetizing.

• In addition, at home, you can make mustard as much as you need, in connection with which it will not dry, and then be thrown away.

• You can also cook mustard at home, focusing on your own taste, connecting imagination and culinary skills.

A variety of recipes for making mustard powder at home

Recipe 1. Mustard from powder at home (classic version)


• Powder (mustard) - 100 gr.

• Water (warm) - 1 cup.

• Sugar - 0.5 teaspoon.

• Salt - 15 gr.

• Oil (sunflower) - 30 ml.

Cooking method:

It is necessary to pour warm water into mustard powder in the ratio ¼, mix the components thoroughly and set aside 10-15 hours.

After this time, excess moisture will collect on the surface of the sauce, which must be carefully drained.

After the resulting mixture must be seasoned with sugar, salt, butter and put in the refrigerator for infusion.

Recipe 2. Mustard from powder at home (a variant of Russian seasoning)


• Powder (mustard) - 0.5 tbsp.

• Vodichka - 120 ml.

• Oil (sunflower) - 60 ml.

• Vinegar (3%) - 120 ml.

• Sugar - 30 mg.

• Salt - 15 mg.

• Bay leaf - leaf.

• Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife.

• Clove - a pair of peas.

Cooking method:

Pour some water into the selected container, add spices, salt, sugar and bring to a boil.

After the broth subsides, it is necessary to strain and add mustard powder to it. Then all components must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Then, to the existing consistency, it is necessary to add oil, vinegar and again mix all the ingredients well.

Next, the mustard can be transferred to a glass jar and put to insist for a day in a cool place.

If desired, this vigorous mustard can be mixed with mayonnaise to obtain a certain softness.

Recipe 3. Mustard from powder at home (using cucumber pickle)


• Mustard (powder) - 0.5 tbsp.

• Pickle (cucumber).

• Sugar - 20 gr.

• Oil (sunflower) - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

In a deep bowl, you must dissolve the mustard powder, add sugar and brine to it to the desired consistency.

Then you need to put the resulting mass in a glass jar and cover it.

Next, you need to put the jar in a warm place for 10 hours and after this time, remove excess moisture that has accumulated from the surface.

Then mustard must be filled with oil.

Also, for greater piquancy, if desired, you can add along with a pickle - pepper pod, nutmeg, cloves and other spices along with pickle.

Recipe 4. Mustard from powder at home (French Masterpiece)


• Mustard (powder) - 200 gr.

• Vinegar - a quarter cup.

• Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon (with the top).

• Salt - 0.5 teaspoon.

• Vodichka.

• Cinnamon.

• Clove.

• Onion.

Cooking method:

A glass of dry mustard must be sieved through a strainer. Then you need to gradually add hot water to the mustard and stir. The density of the mass should resemble a thick dough.

Then the resulting mass must be poured with boiling water and left for a day for insisting.

When the time is right, the water with the resulting consistency must be drained and vinegar added, then granulated sugar, salt and cinnamon with cloves.

Next, you need to chop a large onion or pass through a meat grinder, fry it and add to the existing mass.

Mustard can be served on the table for seasoning meat and other dishes.

Recipe 5. Mustard powder at home with grains


• Mustard powder - 60 gr.

• Mustard seeds -60 gr.

• Lemon juice - 4 tbsp. spoons.

• Vegetable oil - 100 ml.

• Sugar to taste.

• Pickle jar with cucumbers.

• Nut (nutmeg), salt, cloves, pepper.

Cooking method:

In a recessed cup, you must fill the mustard powder and pour it with a small amount of hot water.

Then the surface of the obtained consistency must be leveled and poured with boiling water, two fingers above the existing mass. When the liquid has cooled it needs to be poured.

Then you need to add to the mustard consistency - lemon juice, salt, seeds, pepper and butter with sugar. After thorough mixing, it is recommended that the resulting consistency be laid out on glass jars (having filled them tightly) and covered with lids.

After 24 hours, add brine and spices to each jar, as well as cloves and nutmeg if desired.

Recipe 6. Mustard from powder at home with the addition of honey


• Mustard seeds - 80 gr.

• Vodichka 60 ml.

• Lemon juice - a spoon.

• Honey - 10 ml.

• Oil (sunflower) - 25 ml.

• Salt.

Cooking method:

To make the powder, you must grind the mustard seeds in a coffee grinder and sift through a sieve. Then add salt to the resulting powder, pour hot water and mix thoroughly together.

Next, in the resulting consistency, add honey, lemon juice and oil.

After the obtained mustard, you need to put it in jars and close them tightly with lids to leave to insist for a week.

This seasoning is perfect for meat dishes, sausages or as a complement to side dishes.

Recipe 7. Mustard powder at home with the addition of fruit


• Bullseye - 1 fruit.

• Dry mustard - a spoon.

• Oil - 30 ml.

• Vinegar - 1.5 tablespoons.

• Sugar - 20 gr.

• Lemon juice - a teaspoon.

• Salt, cinnamon.

Cooking method:

First you need to bake the apple in the oven, wrapping it well in advance in foil. The temperature regime is recommended to set 180 degrees, and the time is 10 minutes.

After the apple, you need to thoroughly peel the peels and seeds, and rub the fruit through a sieve. The resulting apple gruel should be mixed with other components, without taking vinegar into account and mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Then, in the available mass, pour vinegar and mix everything well. Be sure to try the seasoning and if the mustard is acidic, then sugar can be added to it.

After the mustard is infused and acquires a specific fruity taste, it must be put in jars and refrigerated for 48 hours. At the same time, mustard must not be forgotten to mix regularly, so that it turns out to have a uniform consistency.

The resulting mustard will be slightly sweet and not particularly strong - it is perfect as an addition to baby food.

Powdered mustard at home - small tricks of its preparation and useful tips

• In order to make the mustard spicy and aromatic, it is recommended to add - cloves, cinnamon and dry wine (white).

• Rehabilitate mustard during drying by adding vinegar to it and thoroughly mixing.

• For better preservation, milk can be added to mustard for a long time by mixing the components well together. Or put a slice of lemon on top of mustard, tightly closing the jar.

• For greater tenderness and piquancy, it is recommended to add honey to mustard.

• Mustard is stored in the winter for about 3-4 months, and in the summer season no more than 30 days.

• In order for the mustard to retain its taste and aroma, it must be removed for storage in a dark place.

Such a delicious spice, like mustard, cooked at home on its own, will help those who at least once tried to forever abandon the purchased product.


Watch the video: How To Make Sambhar Powder. Homemade Sambhar Masala Recipe By Smita Deo. Basic Cooking (July 2024).