Sciatic nerve treatment at home - what can be done? Doctor's advice for treating sciatic nerve at home


In the human body there are immediately two sciatic nerves - they begin in the lumbar region.

Going down the back of the thigh, they branch into two branches - the tibial and fibular, and then to the smaller nerves.

The sciatic nerve has a direct connection with many human organs.

Sciatic Nerve Problems: Causes and Diagnosis

Today there is an interesting theory on this subject. Knowing the causes of sciatic nerve problems can easily be prevented.

Almost every person who has experienced pinching of the sciatic nerve knows that this disease cannot be cured. Almost all methods of treatment are aimed at temporarily relieving pain.

The main problem is that a person can no longer control the tone of the spinal, gluteal and piriformis muscles. When cramping occurs, severe pain occurs in the spine, limbs and back.

It is amazing, but with all the opportunity to freely strain your muscles, a person can not relax them.

Psychological reasons

This whole process completely controls the brain, its structure takes responsibility for the emotional state of a person, since the vessels, and all internal organs, are under the complete control of the cerebral hemispheres and the trunk.

Negative emotions, even insignificant ones, can lead to muscle tension, while positive emotions, on the contrary, can lead to relaxation.

In order for you to be completely able to make sure that this is a true theory, you can consider one interesting nuance.

Men and women differ slightly in the structure of organisms, a difference can be observed in the functioning of the brain.

Surely the question will arise: "How is all this interconnected?" In fact, everything is easily explained - it is clear from here that there is a difference in the localization of sciatic nerve diseases.

According to statistics, in 80% of men, pain always extends to the left side of the buttocks and left leg.

In women, everything happens the other way around, and the sensation of pain falls on the right side. In the same way as the degree of development of the hemispheres, for example, in men the left hemisphere is best developed, and in women the right. Exactly this distribution occurs when stressful situations arise.

If there are experiences, negative emotions, then men have spasms with tension of the left sciatic nerve, and in women, on the contrary, the right.

Physical reasons

In addition to psychological reasons, others may appear that lead to such a short-term illness as inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve:

1. Spinal hernia - in the presence of a hernia or displacement of the vertebrae, a complication may occur, namely pinching of the sciatic nerve.

2. Osteochondrosis is the most common cause.

3. Diabetes mellitus.

4. Injuries to the spinal table - bruises or dislocations in the fall.

5. Loads on the entire spinal column - physical stress can lead to muscle strain.

6. There is a pinched nerve with a thrombus.

7. Infectious diseases.

8. Pregnancy.

As a rule, there are always several reasons. Diseases associated with the sciatic nerve often occur in more adulthood. Children do not suffer from such an ailment.


After the first symptoms appear, you need to immediately contact a neurologist and begin treatment of such an unpleasant ailment. During the examination, the doctor may observe the following:

1. The mobility of the knees and joints of the feet is reduced.

2. After lifting up the straight leg, severe pain occurs.

3. The skin is too dry.

4. Sweating.

5. Vegetative disorders.

In order to accurately establish the diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment, experts prescribe an additional study, which consists in the following:

1. Computed tomography.

2. Ultrasound of the affected area.

3. General and biochemical analysis of blood.

In some cases, you may need to consult other specialists - a rheumatologist or a vascular surgeon:

1. Body temperature without causally rises to 38.

2. Pain affects new areas of the body.

3. Swelling and redness develop on the back.

4. In the area of ​​the legs, pelvis, numbness may be observed.

5. Problems with urination.

All this requires a thorough examination and study. Only after this, specialists can prescribe the right treatment that will relieve the pain.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home: basic principles

Specialists insist that as soon as a disease has been detected, you need to contact a specialist and start treatment as soon as possible.

There are many people who suffer from sciatic nerve problems, they all ask one single question, is it possible to treat the sciatic nerve at home. To alleviate the symptoms of the disease and get rid of it for a while, of course, you can. As a rule, treatment always takes place in two stages:

1. The first stage involves the relief of pain to the patient.

2. At the second stage, find out the reason that affected the pinching, after which all actions should be aimed at eliminating it.

Drug therapy is used. Many people prefer to resort to the help of traditional medicine, and in many cases, everything goes well. But we will talk about this a little lower.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home: medication

After problems with the sciatic nerve, you need to contact a neurologist. After a full examination and diagnosis, he will prescribe treatment therapy.


Thanks to physiotherapy, you can get rid of pain, but it is unlikely to completely eliminate the cause of the development of the disease. A specialist can prescribe a wide variety of procedures - laser therapy, phonophoresis, electrosleep, anti-inflammatory drugs, UHF therapy, and much more. Under the influence of physiotherapeutic procedures, blood circulation normalizes, the pain subsides, the swelling is relieved.


At a time when the disease has subsided, it is useful to do a general massage. It is also recommended to visit acupuncture, acupressure, Kuznetsov's applicator. Due to this, pain will subside, lymphatic drainage will improve, muscle hypotrophy will be prevented.

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory therapy

The most effective painkillers, according to many experts, are NSAIDs. These include - Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Ketorolac. Since these drugs have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, they must be taken with extreme caution. If the pain increases every day and it becomes more difficult to endure, steroid hormones can be prescribed.


The simplest, at first glance, activities, for example, bicycle, stretching, are quite effective. But you need to perform these exercises only during the period of remission. Try not to strain, do everything right.

Spa treatment

In a period when nothing bothers you, mud and hydrotherapy are effective. This helps to strengthen the immune system.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home with any medication is best done only after they are prescribed by a doctor. You can take only some painkillers yourself to relieve pain before going to the doctor.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home: folk remedies

Before starting treatment of the sciatic nerve at home, you need to visit a medical institution and identify the cause of the disease. As mentioned above, a number of diagnostic measures will be carried out, which include magnetic resonance imaging and x-ray of the spine. If neoplasms, intervertebral hernias have not been identified, then you can try to cure the sciatic nerve on your own. It is worth using only time-tested recipes, they are not only effective, but also completely safe.

For the treatment of sciatic nerve at home, a number of alternative medicine prescriptions are provided, these include the following:

• taking medical baths;

• reception of tinctures and decoctions;

• rubbing and ointment.

The main task of each such tool is to relieve pain, as well as inflammation.

The most faithful and reliable way to treat the sciatic nerve is considered to be bed rest, as well as heat, in any form. This also includes relaxing massage, reflexology, it uses strong irritating agents.

In order to prepare grinds or compresses, you can use the effective recipes below:

1. Collect the sprouts from the potatoes, separate one glass from them, fill it with 0.5 liter of vodka and put it in a dark room. Tincture should be infused for exactly two weeks, but it is advisable to shake the container every other day. After the tincture is ready, rub it into the patient's sore spot, after which it is recommended to turn into something warm.

2. Prepare a medicinal balm based on herbs, for this you need to take the following ingredients - one spoon of celandine, a small leaf of aloe (it must be older than three years), one pod of hot pepper (chop it well beforehand), about half a liter of vodka. Mix everything and remove to insist in a dark place for one week. It is recommended to rub the prepared product into sore spots.

3. Get the juice from the radish and mix it in a 1: 1 ratio with honey. The resulting remedy needs to smear sore spots.

4. To prepare this recipe you need a little culinary ability. Take three glasses of rye flour and three tablespoons of honey, from all this knead the dough and roll the cake. It must be applied to the place where the pain is most felt. Try to withstand it as mono longer, wrap on top with something warm.

Oral Recipes

Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home involves not only the use of ointments and compresses, but also the means intended for oral administration. The recipes presented below were also used by our grandmothers:

• Take two or three tablespoons of calendula flowers and fill them with 400 ml of hot water. Leave in the container for two hours. Each time you sit down to eat, take a tincture of half a glass;

• put one spoon of burdock root in a saucepan (grind it beforehand) and pour a glass of red wine. Turn on the fire and boil the product for no more than 5 minutes. It is necessary to take the drug for half a glass, not more than twice a day;

• Take a spoonful of elecampane and pour a glass of hot water. Put on fire and let simmer for 20 minutes. It is recommended to be taken only with a chronic form of the disease, twice a day, about an hour before meals.

Thanks to the use of folk remedies, you can get rid of unbearable pain, and the effect can be achieved in a short time.

Each remedy presented above can be used both individually and in combination with other methods of treatment.

Remember that this is a serious disease that causes a lot of discomfort and brings a lot of pain. No need to delay with his treatment.
