How to clean the washing machine of dirt and scale? How to get rid of mold inside the washing machine and prevent it from appearing?


The washing machine can be attributed to those household items, without which in the modern rhythm of life it is almost impossible to do.

Semi-automatic washing machines are a thing of the past, and they have been replaced by an automatic machine, which itself erases, rinses and wringes out.

That is why the breakdown of the washing machine is a real tragedy for the hostess, who again has to do all this manually.

In most cases, the failure can be caused by lack of proper care and improper operation.

This leads to scale and dirt inside the washing machine, which prevent it from working properly.

How to clean the washing machine outside

Any equipment in the house that is used regularly, over time, accumulates traces of use and pollution on its surface. And a washing machine is no exception. Many housewives forget to clean the washing machine of dirt on the surface, believing that pollution does not affect its operation. However, the remnants of detergents and dust sticking to its walls and door, not only spoil the appearance of the machine, but can also cause mold.

The easiest way to clean the washing machine from surface contaminants is because they are in easily accessible places. Dust and stains of detergent on the walls can be easily managed with a rag dipped in a solution of warm water and dishwashing liquid. To clean the door and rubber seal, you can take a toothbrush soaked in the same solution.

How to clean the washing machine from dirt inside

After the walls and door of the washing machine shine clean, you can begin to clean its internal parts. If you have to do this for the first time, then it is better to arm yourself with the instruction manual, because in order to understand how to clean the washing machine from dirt, you need to know what parts it consists of and how it is disassembled. Having familiarized with the design of this model, we proceed to the phased cleaning of its internal components.

Detergent Tray

All kinds of detergents are added to this tank before each wash: powders, bleaches, conditioners, etc. Often, particles of detergents remain on the bottom and walls of the tray, dry and accumulate in the form of plaque. To avoid this, it is necessary after every second or third wash to remove the tank and rinse it with warm water. Severe dirt can be removed by rubbing with a sponge or brush dipped in soapy water.


The inner surface of the drum of the washing machine during its long-term operation can also accumulate pollution, which can cause mold and unpleasant odors. In order to clean the washing machine from dirt in the drum, it is necessary to start the washing cycle with hot water, adding bleach or a special cleaner to the drum first. To prevent pollution, this procedure must be carried out once every few months.


An exhaust filter is an important component of the washing machine that protects the drain hose from dirt, hair, buttons and other small debris. Many housewives do not even suspect its existence and learn about it only when the washing machine fails as a result of clogging. The exhaust filter is usually located at the very bottom of the machine on its front side. Filter cleaning is carried out in the following order:

1. Place a rag under the washing machine and prepare a container to drain the water from the drain hose.

2. Open the filter cover.

3. Place a container for dirty water under the drain hose of the filter, remove the plug from it and wait until all the water has flowed out.

4. Take out the filter and remove all debris and dirt accumulated inside it.

5. Replace the filter and plug and close the panel cover.

How to descale your washing machine

The reason for the formation of scale inside the washing machine is the magnesium and calcium salts contained in tap water. At high temperature, they decompose into carbon dioxide and solid particles, which are deposited on a tubular electric heater (TENE) in the form of limescale. The higher the washing temperature, the more active is the process of scale formation, which can lead to breakdown of the heater.

There are several ways to effectively descale the washing machine:

Physical cleaning. No chemical means will be required for this, however, this method is not suitable for everyone, because in order to get the heater from the washing machine, you will have to partially disassemble it. It is better if the physical cleaning of the heating element is carried out by a specialist. If, nevertheless, it was decided to clean the heating elements on their own, then you need to scrub off the scale from its surface very carefully so as not to damage the heater tube.

Special tools. I would immediately like to make a reservation that special means are meant to remove scale, and not water softeners. The descaling agents that are familiar to us from commercials, which are added together with washing powder, only soften the water, but are not able to remove the existing plaque from the surface of the heating element. Such products are suitable only for prophylactic use, since they slow down the process of scale formation. Special cleaning agents, as a rule, are produced by manufacturers of household appliances themselves. They are a weak acid solution, so adding them during washing is strictly prohibited.

Lemon acid. If you want to learn how to clean your washing machine from scale efficiently and cheaply, you can do this with citric acid. Two or three tablespoons of citric acid is quite enough to remove scale from the surface of the heating element at a time. However, before starting the cleaning procedure, make sure that the washing machine is empty. Pour citric acid into the powder tank and start the spin-free wash at the highest possible temperature. After the procedure, remove large scale deposits from the drum, drain and rubber seal. You can also start an additional wash cycle at a low temperature to wash smaller residues. It should be noted that citric acid has a negative effect on the rubber parts of the washing machine, therefore it should be cleaned in this way no more than 2-3 times a year.

Acetic acid. A typical 9% solution of acetic acid is also suitable for descaling the heating element. Cleaning is carried out in a similar way: 200 ml of vinegar is poured into the powder tray and the washing cycle is switched on at a temperature of 60 ° C. Acetic acid is more aggressive than citric acid. It cleans the heater more efficiently, but has a more detrimental effect on the rubber parts of the washing machine, so cleaning with vinegar can be done no more than once a year.

How to clean the washing machine from mold and mildew

The increased humidity and heat in the bathroom create comfortable conditions for the appearance of mold, which can sometimes be found even in the washing machine. Most often, the reason for its appearance is the habit of many housewives to wash in an economical mode (fast washing at low temperature). The thing is that mold spores die only at temperatures above 60 ° C, and at lower temperatures they actively multiply. Therefore, in order to clean the washing machine from mold, it is necessary to create such conditions that will become fatal for it:

• Start the wash at the highest possible temperature, first pour any strong detergent (for example, chlorine bleach) into the powder tray.

• Once the water in the tank has completely warmed up, pause the wash and wait at least an hour.

• Resume washing.

• Pour 200 ml of table vinegar into the tray and turn on the rinse.

If mold was also found on other parts: for example, on a drain hose or in a tray for washing powder, then you can clean the washing machine from mold using a toothbrush moistened with any detergent, and to prevent its formation, treat the surface with a special disinfectant. Also, do not forget about preventive measures to prevent mold: well ventilate the bathroom, dry the washing machine after each use and do not leave wet laundry in the drum for a long time.


Watch the video: HOW TO CLEAN YOUR WASHING MACHINE !! QUICK & EASY (July 2024).