After removal of the gallbladder, the right side hurts: causes and symptoms. Treatment of pain in the right side after removal of the gallbladder


After removing the gallbladder, people sincerely hope that their past torment is left behind.

However, in some cases, even the operation does not help get rid of the pain in the side, which may be accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms.

So why, after removing the gallbladder, the right side again hurts and how to get rid of this?

Consider the problem in detail.

After removal of the gallbladder, the right side hurts: causes

Removal of bile is called cholecystectomy. Within 3-6 months after its implementation, some patients may develop postcholecystectomy syndrome.

Such reasons can cause this:

1. The presence of lesions in the biliary tract:

• formation of adhesions;

• the presence of stones in non-operated ducts for bile (often are the reason for the need for a second operation);

• narrowing of the ducts of bile.

2. Various liver diseases (jaundice, hepatitis).

3. A cyst at the location of the organ.

4. Irritation of the small (large) intestine.

5. Pancreatitis.

6. An ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.

7. Stagnation of bile also requires a secondary operation, since it can provoke a violation of the liver.

8. Exchange disorders in the patient's body.

9. Violation of the general work (functioning) of microflora in the intestines of the patient.

10. Failure to follow a diet after surgery can also cause the right side to hurt after removal of the gall.

In general, this syndrome implies a collective concept, since its symptoms and causes can be very different, but they are all directly related to the recent removal of the gallbladder.

Usually, such an operation is carried out with a laser, however, despite a slight trauma, after the operation there are still injuries of soft tissues to which the body immediately responds with an inflammatory process. Also, to create the necessary space for removal of the gallbladder, the patient’s abdominal cavity is mechanically expanded by filling it with carbon dioxide.

These factors can also be the cause of unpleasant symptoms after surgery.

After removal of the gallbladder, the right side hurts: symptoms and manifestations

Most often, after removal of the gallbladder, the stomach hurts. Moreover, such manifestations may be accompanied by:

• nausea, especially in the morning;

• vomiting;

• fever;

• chills;

• bitterness in the mouth;

• increase in temperature;

• frequent constipation;

• development of jaundice;

• flatulence;

• indigestion;

• changes in the clinical parameters of blood and urine;

• itchy skin;

• weakness.

After removal of the gallbladder, the right side hurts: diagnosis

To diagnose the syndrome of the removed gallbladder, it is necessary to conduct the following list of examinations:

1. General blood test.

2. General urine analysis.

3. Collection of patient history.

4. Blood to bilirubin level.

5. Ultrasound.

6. Conducting endoscopic retrograde manometry.

Sometimes after removal of the bile, the stomach can hurt so badly that a person will simply be unable to get out of bed. In this case, it must be urgently hospitalized, otherwise the inflammatory process can cause serious complications in the body.

After removal of the gallbladder, the right side hurts: treatment

Therapeutic therapy in this condition should be comprehensive and aimed at eliminating the impaired functions of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, as well as the stomach itself.

Drug therapy involves the intake of such groups of drugs:

1. Anesthetics (Drotaverinum, Mebererinum).

2. Enzyme-containing drugs to improve overall digestion (Festal, Mezim forte, Pancreatin, etc.).

3. The appointment of antibacterial drugs to restore the disturbed microflora of the patient. Usually used for this purpose: Hilak forte, Furozoltdon). You need to take them in courses of 5-7 days.

4. Acceptance of antimicrobial drugs that help restore digestion and “rebuild” healthy microflora (Linex, Bifidumbactrin, etc.).

5. Taking antipyretic drugs (at high body temperature).

6. Prescription of anesthetics (it is better to administer them infusoriously or intravenously, rather than taking them in tablet form).

In the first six months after removal of the gallbladder, the stomach may hurt and other unpleasant symptoms may appear. This condition needs to be monitored, so the patient must give blood for analysis from time to time and be under medical supervision.

As a rule, after 1-2 months after removal of the bile, the patient’s body adapts to new working conditions and his digestive system is getting better. Bile begins to produce the liver in normal quantities (depending on how fatty a person eats).

Despite this, there are some cases when drug therapy could not cope with inflammation and restore the liver, stomach and intestines. The patient in this condition will suffer from high fever, vomiting and pain in the side. The only way out of this situation is to re-diagnose and conduct another operation. The duration of recovery after it will be several months longer, since the patient will have to endure the entire rehabilitation cycle again.

After removal of the gallbladder, the right side hurts: the necessary nutrition

Very often, after removal of the bile, the stomach begins to hurt due to a violation of the diet. This is a very serious mistake, since nutrition plays one of the most important roles for the quick recovery of the body after organ loss.

So that after removal of the bile, the stomach does not begin to hurt, you should adhere to such nutrition recommendations:

1. Switch to fractional nutrition. This means that you need to eat often (5-7 times a day). At the same time, the portions should be small enough so as not to overload the stomach again.

2. Do not consume more than 50 g of vegetable fats per day. It is better to temporarily abandon animal fats or minimize their intake.

3. To exclude from the diet such products:

• acidic food;

• spicy food;

• salty;

• fried food;

• coffee;

• chocolate;

• herring;

• fat;

• sauces: ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, soy sauce, etc .;

• nuts;

• hard cheese;

• hot peppers;

• milk;

• conservation;

• smoked meats;

• sausages;

• White bread;

• sour fruits;

• semi-finished products;

• fatty meats (pork, duck);

• fatty fish (salmon).

All of the above foods require a large amount of bile for their digestion, so they complicate the overall digestion. In addition, such food will cause nausea and heaviness in a person’s stomach after surgery.

4. Do not overeat.

5. Follow a diet (it is advisable to eat at the same time to control the production of gastric juice).

6. Follow the drinking regime (you can drink up to two liters of clean water per day, not including soups, compote, etc.).

7. The basis of the diet after removal of the gallbladder should be such products:

• vegetable stews;

• vegetable soups (it is better not to cook meat and fish broths, since they are too fat);

• dairy products (low-fat kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk);

• fruit decoctions and compotes;

• baked apples;

• boiled protein;

• broth of wild rose and chamomile;

• rye bread or biscuit cookies;

• diet sausages;

• honey (in small quantities);

• boiled meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey);

• fish of low-fat varieties;

• cereal;

• potatoes (in small quantities).

8. The food itself is recommended to be steamed, boiled or baked.

9. Salt should be completely eliminated from your diet.

After removal of the gallbladder, the right side hurts: folk remedies

The most effective means to alleviate pain after removing bile are decoctions from such plants:

• field cornflower;

• daisies;

• centaury;

• immortelle;

• mint;

• rose hips;

• knotweed;

• dandelion;

• elecampane root;

• root lovage;

• nettle;

• watch.

After removal of the gallbladder, the right side hurts: tips for prevention

In order to prevent the development of this syndrome, after removing the bile, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

• quit smoking;

• follow all the recommendations of doctors;

• completely eliminate any physical activity;

• follow a diet;

• refuse to drink alcoholic beverages;

• regularly conduct surveys;

• in the first days after the operation, observe bed rest;

• avoid stress and nervous strain;

• If you experience any unpleasant symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.


Watch the video: Pain After Gallbladder Surgery - Mark Topazian, . (June 2024).