DIY kitchen curtains - how to make an interior special. Do-it-yourself master classes in creating curtains in the kitchen


When the environment is annoying and you want changes, it is not necessary to start a global repair.

You can change only one detail, for example, make curtains in the kitchen with your own hands, so that the interior plays with new colors.

You can make exclusive curtains that require a minimum of time and materials, and bring a maximum of style and originality to the kitchen.

Roman curtains for the kitchen - the embodiment of simplicity and grace

To sew the Roman variety of curtains on your own, you must first select the fabric, accessories and components for cutting, sewing and assembly. The fabric material is better to choose more rigid, it is not worth saving on quality.

In addition to the material for creating curtains in the kitchen with your own hands, you will need:

• Velcro tape;

• 7-8 plastic rods across the width of the curtain;

• Plastic rings with a diameter of 10-12 mm, in which lifting cords will be threaded;

• Nylon cord (3 pieces of the same length with the future curtain);

• Wooden block for attaching the curtains;

• Weighting bar;

• Nails.

You should start creating Roman curtains to the kitchen with your own hands from the measurements of the window, and then proceed to step-by-step actions.

1. To the width of the window you need to add 5-6 cm, which will go to allowances on both sides, and 10-15 cm to the length. Before trimming, the fabric should be ironed carefully, mark the folds from the inside and mark the places where the rings are inserted. Pleats are convenient to start marking from below. From the edge you need to measure ½ the width of the future fold. Each subsequent line should equal the full width of the crease.

2. The sides of the future curtains will need to be hemmed by double bending.

3. The lower part of the curtain should also be tucked twice to form a “drawstring” for the weight bar. For this purpose, an aluminum profile is suitable, which should be repainted in the color of the curtain.

4. To the wooden beam, on which the curtains will be attached, Velcro is fastened with nails from the bottom. Such an element will allow you to quickly and easily remove the curtains for washing.

5. On the wrong side of the fabric along the lines of the folds, a hem is sewn into which the slats are inserted. The pins should not stick out and cling to the fabric. On the one hand, pockets with pins must be sealed, sewn up, and on the other hand, an opportunity to be removed if necessary.

6. Rings are sewn over the border with the rails. Three pieces will be enough on one strip. 3 rings should also be attached to the wooden beam - the place of attachment of the curtain. The rings should be attached at the same distance from each other and relative to the center of the curtain.

7. For mechanical control, a part is needed, it should be fixed on the window frame and wrapped with a cord. Cords are threaded through the rings from bottom to top. At the top exit, they should be reduced all in one place. The cords need to be tightened so that the folds of the Roman curtains are conveniently evenly hung. With the help of ribbons, temporary folds need to be fixed.

8. The wooden beam is intended for fastening to the window frame; after dismantling, the retaining parts must be removed from the curtain. When the curtain is lowered, you need to make sure that each cord is pulled, and then tie it together behind the outermost ring.

9. The second knot is tied through the lifting handle of the Roman curtain about 50 cm from the first, and the ends of the ropes will only interfere, so they are cut off.

How to sew elegant Venetian-style kitchen curtains

A delicate Venetian-style air curtain can be the best decoration for a window in the kitchen. The combination of light muslin and contrasting bright satin stripes fits perfectly into any interior. And the horizontal line located on top of the expensive shimmering fabric will not only hide the cornice, but also give additional sophistication.

For this type of curtain, a window with a width of 1.5 m and a height of 1.2 m will need:

• a muslin section measuring 2.5 * 3 m of a light shade;

• a piece of 80 cm of printed satin with a bright pattern, its width is 1.5 m;

• 20 m of plain satin ribbon with a width of 5 cm;

1. From the atlas fabric, it is necessary to carve 4 identical strips 2.4m * 13 cm in size, which will be located vertically, and 1 strip 3m * 17 cm. A tape of 20 meters should turn into 8 equal parts of 2.5 m.

2. When the strips are ready, you need to outline on the muslin the lines of their stitching. For this, the threads should be carefully pulled. The horizontal thread should be pulled straight along the top edge, and another one 17 cm lower. Marking is done on the sides according to the same principle, only a distance of 13 cm from each border should be retreated. Then, at the same distance, the locations of the two remaining segments of the colorful fabric are calculated and exactly the same.

3. Each strip of contrasting satin along its length will need to be tucked up 1 cm from the top and bottom. Those stripes that should be placed vertically must be folded in half with the picture inward and smoothed with a hot iron.

4. To the vertical edge of the curtain should be attached with satin pins a 1 cm bent part only from the outside, and iron. Then sew with an even seam on a typewriter. The inside will be sewn later.

5. In the space between the satin and the canvas curtains must be placed on 2 five-centimeter ribbons at a small distance from the top. When the tapes are located in place, you can attach the inside of the atlas along the lines outlined at the beginning of the work. The tapes should be well ironed, then they will lie on the fabric more evenly, and will look decent.

6. Satin ribbons are attached to the curtain only in one place - along the upper edge. The hemmed single piece from the printed satin of the largest sizes should be swept up according to the marking, retreating 5 cm from the top. You will need to attach this segment with an accordion.

7. Similarly to the lateral faces along the marked lines, you need to sew the remaining vertical stripes, then hem the bottom of the curtain and steam it.

8. The final step is to evenly tighten the satin ribbons to form nice creases. You can tie bows at the ends. The upper strip was sewn with a margin of 5 cm in order to insert a cornice into it and attach it to the curtain. It remains only to carefully distribute it, and then enjoy the man-made spectacle.

5. In the space between the printed satin stripes and the curtain fabric, you need to place 2 satin ribbons at a distance of 5 cm from the upper border. Above the ribbons are covered with printed satin, the edges are chipped with pins according to the markings of the elongated threads and are sewn on a typewriter. Tapes should be well smoothed with an iron, then they will lie on the fabric more evenly and will look better.

6. The upper edge of the satin ribbons must be fixed by sewing them. A piece of stuffed satin with a size of 3 m * 17 will need to be hemmed similarly to the others 1 cm on both sides and marked according to the marking from elongated horizontal threads, 5 cm indent from the top edge. You will need to attach a horizontal strip with an accordion.

7. Similarly to the lateral faces along the marked lines, you need to sew the remaining vertical stripes, then hem the bottom of the curtain and steam it.

8. The final step is to evenly tighten the satin ribbons to form nice creases. The ends are tied in a bow. The upper strip was sewn with a margin of 5 cm in order to insert a cornice into it and attach it to the curtain. It remains only to carefully distribute it, and then enjoy the man-made spectacle.


Watch the video: DIY No Sew Valance Tutorial (June 2024).