What is the dream of treason


Why dream of treason - according to Miller's dream book

Cheated on a wife in a dream - in reality you will be accused of breaking the law. It is unlikely that this will be a high-profile case, but a rash act can do much in life. Therefore, follow the train of thoughts and your actions. If a woman dreamed of her betrayal, the dream broadcasts that it is time for her to change tactics in relation to her beloved, otherwise a wayward, imperious character will destroy love. Such a dream can also mean cruel deception emanating from you.

If you were cheated on in a dream, it means that the partner is abusing your trust. Cheating with a girl of easy virtue indicates the absurdity of a man's actions. Perhaps his imaginary friends clouded his mind.

Why dream of treason - according to Vanga’s dream book

If you were dreaming about wanting to commit adultery, but at the very last moment you changed your mind - such a dream ascribes a strong will, and it will undoubtedly help you succeed in life. If the betrayal is nevertheless realized, the feelings will soon cool down, and the collapse of the plans will lead the subject into severe depression. If a woman sees her cheating on her husband, then be humiliated; for a man, such a dream bodes trouble at work, contention in the family.

Why dream of treason - according to Freud's dream book

The fact of betrayal in dreams indicates that you either want to do this, or something similar has already happened in life. Perhaps there was no betrayal as such, but the probability of committing it existed. The second interpretation of the dream comes down to a lack of attention from the partner, the desire to diversify sexual relations. In a dream cheated on you? So, there is a place to be subconscious fear, suspicion or painful jealousy.

Why dream of treason - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Dreams of adultery portend future changes. The meaning of the dream depends on the specific events seen by the sleeping person. If a man sees how he is changing - this can be interpreted as:
- unwillingness to accept the existing reality;
- a symbolic image of some changes;
- guilt for the perfect treason in reality;
- lack of female affection.

If a man sees his wife in bed with another - this is a symbol:
- surprise from change;
- distrust of the wife.

A woman who sees her adultery:
- strives for independence;
- tired of everyday life.

A wife exposing a husband in a dream:
- Resists the will of her husband, trying to change things;
- does not want to change;
- harbored resentment to the missus.

Why dream of treason - according to Loff's dream book

Treason out of revenge predicts a very happy family union. To repent of adultery means not to be satisfied in the current state of affairs. The dream prophesies, you will go to any tricks and tricks to change the situation, to make it "work" for you.

Why dream of treason - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

The betrayal of a loved one (s) or friends in the process of sleep notifies you that, overestimating your capabilities, you have conceived a grandiose plan, and you forgot to calculate the details. Only this approach promises a complete failure. Haste is the main enemy in a serious matter, so think through everything to the smallest detail before implementing your plan.

To appear as a cheater himself is a bad sign. A dream shows that in a critical situation you will not have the courage and perseverance to cope with problems. If you proudly abandoned intimacy in a dream, then you have a very strong character.

Why dream of treason - according to Hasse's dream book

To see how your man is cheating with a girlfriend or sister is to the collapse of all expectations and hopes. However, there is a way out! Be condescending and kinder to the partner, only in this case he will appreciate you, and you will feel real joy from the vicinity. Cheating with someone means frantically wanting a thrill. However, it is likely that instead of them you will run into trouble.

Why dream of treason - according to the dream book of Meneghetti

Meneghetti, like Freud, suggested that the psychological factor becomes the cause of betrayal in a dream. It has long been known that if a person is not discharged in reality, then he does this in a dream. The brain consciously generates images, trying in this way to make up for the flaw, because you will not go against nature. Most likely, in real life you lack affection and carnal joys. Passionate sex with a stranger or stranger can also symbolize a lack of diversity in the intimate sphere.

Why dream of treason - according to Longo's dream book

Treason in a dream represents a desire, conscious or subconscious, to taste the forbidden fruit and in reality.


Watch the video: Dreams of Treason - Crutch (June 2024).