Pouring cherries with sugar, vodka, wine and spices. How to prepare a delicious and healthy sweet cherry liquor?


A close relative of cherries, black cherries have a special aroma and pronounced sweet taste.

She does not have cherry harshness and acid, but is equally popular with housewives.

From sweet cherries are prepared amazing sweet liquors that can decorate any feast.

A glass of sweet cherry can be an excellent prevention of some ailments.

Sweet cherry filling - general principles of preparation

To make a drink, you need a ripe, selected berry. Therefore, before using the cherries, it is necessary to sort out and discard all spoiled specimens, garbage, branches and leaves.

Then the berry is washed in cold running water and used according to the recipe. Each housewife has his own, and some remove cherry bones, while others make a cherry filling along with them. Opponents of whole berries are sure that hydrocyanic acid contained in the bones is dangerous to health. Their opponents claim that it is thanks to the bones that the liquor gets a characteristic almond note.

In order not to rush to extremes, you can remove the seeds from the bulk of the berries, leaving a handful of whole sweet cherries to give a magical aroma to an alcoholic drink.

To prepare it, you will also need sugar, water, high-quality vodka or another alcoholic drink, as well as glass jars. After insisting, the resulting product must be filtered. For this purpose, housewives use different filters. For example, a piece of cotton wool wrapped in gauze.

Classic sweet cherry filling

The simplest version of homemade liqueur can be prepared from a minimum of ingredients. There would be berries, and a glass of water and sugar can be found in every home.


• two kilograms of sweet cherry;

• a glass of water (250 ml);

• eight hundred grams of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

Remove seeds from washed and dried berries.

Wash a three-liter jar, let the water drain.

At the bottom of the jar, pour a glass of sugar, lay a layer of cherries.

Alternate sugar with berries, gradually filling the entire volume of the jar.

Pour in water.

In one "finger" of a medical rubber glove, make a hole with a needle and put it on a jar.

So that the juice does not tear off the glove during fermentation, it must be wound with tape, a rope or a bandage.

Put the jar in the sun to begin fermentation.

The glove will gradually inflate and then deflate. This means that the juice is fermented. This usually takes two to three weeks.

When the fermentation cycle is completed, the glove must be removed, and the drink filtered and left in the can for another three days, covered with a lid.

Then filter the sweet cherry filling through a cotton-gauze filter and pour into a container for further storage.

Keep in a cool place: cellar, basement, on the insulated balcony.

Vodka cherries

This recipe for cordial can also be called traditional. The filling is stronger due to the use of vodka.


• a kilogram of cherry berries;

• 400 ml of water;

• a pound of sugar;

• two liters of vodka.

Cooking method:

Prepare the berries, remove the seeds.

Pour the pulp into a bottle or jar, pour the juice secreted.

Pour boiled water cooled to room temperature into vodka, mix.

Pour berry diluted with vodka.

Close the lid tightly and put into a dark pantry for ten days.

Open the can, strain the contents through a gauze filter.

To remove cherry cherry infusion, it is not needed yet.

Sprinkle strained berry pulp with sugar, mix everything with a spoon and cover the neck of the bottle with gauze.

Put the cherries in the heat for fermentation for a week (room temperature from 20 to 25 degrees).

Strain the berries a second time.

Pour the fermented juice into the main part of the beverage (vodka).

Mix both parts well and keep warm for a day.

Pour the filling into bottles, tightly, as far as possible hermetically cork and insist in a cold, dark room for at least four months. Suitable temperature is from 10 to 16 degrees.

Pouring dried cherry "Fast"

If there is no fresh sweet cherry, but you really want to get some cherries, you can make it from dried berries. Well, if the cherry leaf is in stock - it gives a very pleasant aroma. If there are no leaves, you can do without them.


• 80 pieces of dried cherries;

• litere of water;

• a handful of cherry leaves;

• 800 grams of granulated sugar;

• liter of vodka is more expensive;

• one and a half tablespoons of citric acid.

Cooking method:

Cherry and cherry leaf pour water.

Bring to a boil and simmer for twenty minutes.

Strain the broth.

Pour sugar into it, mix until completely dissolved and cool.

Add citric acid.

Pour vodka, mix and strain again.

Pour into bottles and put in a cupboard. The filling is ready.

Cherry with cinnamon and oak chips

This recipe uses spices. The oak wood chips add a piquant touch to the drink. It turns out a gourmet drink, which can argue with taste and with other vintage cognac.


• kilogram of cherries;

• ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon;

• a glass of sugar;

• oak chips (4-5 pieces);

• ground nutmeg on the tip of a knife;

• 400 ml of quality vodka.

Cooking method:

Crush clean cherries with your hands or rolling pin. Berries should burst slightly, but will not turn into porridge.

A vessel with crushed cherries should be tied with a piece of gauze and left warm for three days.

Sweet cherries will begin to wander, highlighting a characteristic smell.

Add spices and sugar to the fermented berry, mix.

Then pour vodka and mix again.

Close the vessel with a lid and leave to infuse for two to three weeks.

Strain the drink, then filter.

Bottled by putting two oak chips in each bottle.

Put bottles for a month in the cold (cellar, basement, cold garage or just on the balcony).

After a month, when the precipitate falls, you can drink the liquor.

Pouring sweet cherry with pits

This recipe is the very golden mean that allows you to prepare a safe drink without stones, but with a characteristic almond note. Spices can be omitted: the recipe allows variations.


• kilogram seedless cherries;

• a third of a glass of cherry seeds;

• liter of quality vodka;

• three hundred grams of sugar;

• half a spoonful of cinnamon;

• three cloves of cloves.

Cooking method:

Grind the cherries in a meat grinder or crush in a mortar.

Mix all the ingredients in a glass bottle or jar.

Pour vodka.

Cork tightly and send to a dark, cool room for two weeks.

Strain, then filter the infusion.

Pour sugar into it, mix.

Close the container again and send it to the same room for another two weeks, until the whole sugar has dissolved.

When this happens, the sweet cherry filling is ready. It must be bottled and sent to the cabinet for storage.

Wine cherries

An unusual recipe for liquor, for which you need not vodka, but red fortified wine such as sherry. This is a variant of the previous recipe, in which for a greater flavor you can add a cherry leaf.


• kilo pitted cherries;

• a third of a glass of sweet cherry seeds;

• clove bud;

• ten pieces of cherry leaves;

• cinnamon on the tip of a knife;

• liter of fortified red wine;

• 150 grams of sugar (optional).

Cooking method:

Crush the cherries.

Mix berries and their juice, crushed bones, spices.

Pour all the wine, close the lid, shake.

Leave for a month in a dark, cool infusion room.

After a month, strain and filter the filling.

Pour into a clean jar.

If desired, add sugar, mix.

Close the container with a lid and insist another four to five days.

When the sugar has dissolved, filter the beverage again.

Pour into a glass container and remove.

Frozen Cherry

Frozen cherries are also good for making sweet liquors. A simple recipe for making a wonderful drink very quickly.


• a pound of frozen cherries;

• a glass of sugar;

• glass of water;

• a bottle of vodka.

Cooking method:

Remove the cherry from the refrigerator and defrost.

Put the berry in a saucepan, crush a little with your hands.

Pour in sugar immediately and pour in water.


Boil the mass over low heat for ten minutes.

Pour a bottle of vodka, mix and cool.

Filter the liquor and remove for a day in the refrigerator.

Again, filter the cooled sweet cherry filling through a piece of cotton wool, pour into bottles and taste.

Original cherry filling

The secret of this cord is that it does not roam. So, it does not contain a hint of fusel oils. It turns out a drink very similar to expensive liquor. It does not even need to be filtered and filtered: the ruby ​​liquid turns out transparent.


• kilogram of cherries;

• a bottle of very expensive vodka;

• sugar (how much the container will take).

Cooking method:

Put cherry in glass liter jars.

Pour berry vodka.

Close tightly with a capron lid and put in a dark place for a month.

Shake contents periodically.

Drain the infused vodka into a separate container, tightly cork and remove.

Pour the berries with sugar so that the jar is filled to the top.

Put in a dark place so that the sugar gradually melts (the refrigerator will not work).

Stir the contents of the cans periodically.

When the sugar is completely dissolved in the juice, drain the syrup into a large saucepan, add vodka, mix.

To try, add sugar syrup, cooked separately. This is not necessary, but if you want more sweetness, it’s permissible.

Pour the bottle into the bottle and remove.

Homemade sweet cherry filling

One more simple variant of cherry filling. Its strength can be adjusted as desired. If you add a glass of vodka to the finished product, you get a drink with a strength of about 15 degrees. If you do not add vodka, then the filling will be soft, in it no more than 10 degrees.


• kilogram of cherries;

• four hundred grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

Put the sweet cherries in glass jars so that 7-10 centimeters remain to the neck.

Pour sugar into the berry so that the distance to the neck is reduced by half (up to 3-5 cm). The bottom line is to leave a free place in the bank: the cherry will "walk".

Cork jars with nylon caps, put in a dark room for three weeks.

After the sugar is completely dissolved, strain the pouring; optionally pour a glass of vodka or half a glass of alcohol.

Pour into containers and send for storage.

Cherry filling - tricks and tips

  • Homemade sweet cherry is a natural, completely safe drink. Its strength and sweetness can be controlled, focusing on your taste. Pouring perfectly transfers everything that the hostess does with it: takes extra sugar or pleases the taste without it, becomes more or less strong.
  • The time for preparing the liquors varies from several days (fast, or early ripening) to several months (late ripening). As a rule, mid-season liquors, which are prepared in one and a half to two months, are more popular.
  • Instead of sugar, you can take honey. It will turn out no less tasty, but even more fragrant and healthy.


Watch the video: TEK TALK TUESDAY S01 E5 on Puša Studios (June 2024).