A special category of dumplings is steamed with strawberries. Steamed dumplings, fillings and gravy for dumplings with strawberries


Steam cooking dumplings allows you to give them wonderful properties. If you have never tried, it is worth experimenting. The seeming complexity is more than compensated by the merits, and although they are few, they are very significant.

First of all, this is the quality of the resulting dish. Dumplings stuffed with delicate steamed berries are airy, lush,

Since boiling water does not boil around, then the probability will fall much lower. Accordingly, the risk of the filling flow is reduced.

The gourmet recipe, according to which a large amount of cottage cheese interferes in the dough, is also more suitable for a double boiler. Due to the immobility of the semi-finished products in the steam lattice, the tender, capricious dough breaks up less and the dumplings turn out “like for an exhibition”.

Steamed Dumplings with Strawberries - General Cooking Principles

• You can steam dumplings with strawberries in special double boiler or a slow cooker. If the kitchen does not have such "tricky" pots, you can use the simplest device - a large wide pan, the top of which is tied with at least two layers of gauze. Only necessarily in this case, the gauze will need to be well fixed so that the dumplings do not fall into the pan with water.

• There is a lot of dough recipe suitable for dumplings with strawberries. It can be kneaded on kefir, yogurt, milk, water, cottage cheese, brewed with boiling water, with and without eggs. There is a recipe for making lazy dumplings with strawberries from cottage cheese. They are prepared literally in a matter of minutes, without loss of time for kneading the dough.

• For dumplings, it is better to take thick ripe strawberries. It is these berries that when steamed do not turn into porridge. Fresh can be replaced with frozen, but then the berries will need to be properly thawed. They are taken out of the freeze in advance and kept at room temperature until completely thawed without water.

• Strawberries can be put in the filling as a whole berry, or cut into large slices. If the berry needs to be chopped, this is done before the modeling itself, otherwise it will give juice.

• Sugar and starch must be added to strawberries. It prevents the flow of juice from dumplings.

• A special grill for steam cooking is installed in the tank only after the water in it boils, and immediately begin to count the cooking time.

• Steam dumplings with strawberries are usually cooked up to a quarter of an hour, the container is covered with a lid.

• Steam dumplings with strawberries are dispensed with sour cream, honey, specially prepared strawberry sauce or just well sprinkled with butter.

Steamed dumplings with strawberries in a slow cooker


• wheat flour with high gluten - 4.5-5 glasses;

• half a liter of 2.5% kefir;

• two tablespoons of potato starch;

• medium-sized strawberries - 700 gr.;

• 300 gr. sugar, white.

Cooking method:

1. To make steam dumplings soft and airy, you need to properly prepare kefir dough.

2. First of all, dilute in warm (not hot) kefir soda with a small pinch of salt and leave to stand for 12-15 minutes. Kefir at this time will extinguish the ripper well and the mixture will not only slightly increase, but will also be covered with many air bubbles.

3. Then begin to gradually introduce the flour, pouring it in small portions (half a glass). The dough should be uniform, without impurities of poorly mixed flour. Therefore, after each addition, try not only to mix it well with kefir, but also to break up all the lumps formed. This is convenient to do with a whisk or a spoon.

4. When the dough becomes thick, pour the remaining flour into it and knead well. The mass should be soft and not stick to the bowl and hands. Flour can go a little more, depending on the gluten it contains.

5. Cover the bowl with a cloth and leave for the time of preparation of the filling.

6. Sort strawberries and remove the ponytails from the berries. Rinse under water and dry well in a colander. When all the water has come down, sprinkle the berries with starch, replacing it through a sieve.

7. Before you start sculpting dumplings, pour half a liter of water into the slow cooker and insert a steam container. Set the "Steam" option for the longest time and turn on the processor.

8. Take a small piece of kefir dough and roll a not very thick "sausage" out of it. Then divide it into pieces and from each fashion a thin, 3 mm thick, flat cake. Put 1-2 strawberries on its center, add granulated sugar (a little less than a teaspoon) and glue the edges well together, forming a dumpling.

9. When the water begins to boil in the multicooker bowl, place the dumplings on the steam container and close the lid. Cook each batch for no more than 4 minutes and watch for water. When boiling, add only hot water.

Steam dumplings with strawberries in a double boiler


• 700 gr. wheat flour;

• one egg;

• 250 ml of homemade oily curdled milk;

• two tablespoons of refined sugar;

• soda - 1 tsp.

To the filling:

• white refined sugar - 4 tbsp. l .;

• dry starch - 2 tbsp. l .;

• a pound of ripe strawberries.

Cooking method:

1. In a large, wide enameled container, break the egg, add salt and sugar and beat with a whisk. Do not bring to foam, it is only necessary to achieve uniformity.

2. Pour in the yogurt, add soda and mix everything with a spoon. The better you do it, the more evenly the soda will disperse.

3. Pour about a third of the flour and stir everything well again. When the mass becomes homogeneous, introduce the rest of the flour and knead the soft, soft dough. The amount of flour varies depending on the quality of gluten and the density of yogurt.

4. Form the dough "ball", put in a bowl and leave for half an hour to "rest" covered with a lid or towel.

5. Rinse the strawberries, tear off the ponytails and transfer to a colander or sieve. In a separate bowl, mix sugar with potato starch.

6. Do not roll the dough pieces too thin and squeeze out circles of suitable size from it. Blind the remains with a whole piece and put back in a bowl.

7. On each billet, put about 0.5 teaspoon of starch mixed with granulated sugar, and one berry on it and mold a dumpling of any shape.

8. Fill the steamer with a third of water, install the cooking grate and set it to boil. When the water begins to boil, put the dumplings in a double boiler, leaving a small distance between them, and cook for 5 minutes.

9. Serve hot, always with cream or butter.

Steamed dumplings with strawberries, dough on water


• two tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• 3-4 pinch of salt;

• one chicken egg;

• four glasses of white flour, premium.

Cooking method:

1. 250 ml of boiling water, cool to 50 degrees. Salt, beat the egg and beat well until you get foam.

2. Add a glass of flour and mix well. After the batter is homogeneous, add another glass of flour and mix again. Then, gradually pouring flour, knead the plastic dough. Put it in the bag and set it aside.

3. After forty minutes, remove the dough and roll out a large, not very thin layer. Squeeze out the mugs with a glass.

4. Pre-washed and well-dried strawberries, lay two berries in one such circle and add a little sugar. If you put more, the filling will float, and all the juice will drain when steaming. Better add granulated sugar less.

5. Form dumplings from the blanks and close the edges, firmly pressing the dough with your fingers.

6. Steam for about 10 minutes.

7. Serve with heavy cream and garnish with strawberries.

Steamed dumplings with strawberries, milk test option


• pasteurized or homemade milk - 150 ml;

• 400 gr. white baking flour;

• a tablespoon of homemade thickened cream;

• a glass of sugar;

• dry starch - 2 tbsp. l .;

• 300 gr. not too large strawberries.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the strawberries well in a colander. Remove the “ponytails” from the berries and cut each crosswise into four parts. Sprinkle with sugar and leave for half an hour.

2. Pound the eggs in a white bowl with butter. Add a small pinch of salt and milk, mix. Pour the flour sifted at least two times and knead the dough with a density of dumplings. Cover with a linen napkin and let it “distance” for 20 minutes.

3. Strain the strawberry juice in a glass, add a tablespoon of starch to the berries and mix the filling very carefully.

4. Roll the dough thinly, with a large rectangular layer, and cut into squares. The size depends on the desired proportions of the dumplings.

5. On the center of each, put a little strawberry filling, fold the square diagonally and pinch the edges, and then fasten the bottom two corners tightly together. You can leave the dumplings triangular in shape.

6. Transfer the “workpiece” to the double boiler grate immediately after boiling, and cook for up to 10 minutes with slight heating under the lid.

7. While the dumplings are boiling, prepare a strawberry sauce. Take a glass of juice expressed with berries and fill it with water. Pour the liquid into a small saucepan, pour half a glass of sugar and put it in a boil.

8. Dilute a tablespoon of starch in 120 ml of cold water and pour the mixture into boiling syrup. Pour in a thin stream without stopping stirring. Simmer until pouring thickens.

9. Transfer the prepared dumplings to a deep plate and sprinkle well with melted butter. Shaking the plate lightly, mix.

10. Serve with sour cream and strawberry filling.

Steamed dumplings with strawberries from boiled dough without eggs


• medium-sized fresh strawberries - 400 gr.;

• white baking flour - 4 glasses;

• two tablespoons of lean non-aromatic oil;

• Refined sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;

• two glasses of boiling water.

Cooking method:

1. In a wide large bowl, transfer the flour with a slide and make a small depression in it.

2. In a "funnel" pour a teaspoon of sugar, salt, pour vegetable oil and pour everything with boiling water.

3. Knead the dough, first stirring with a spoon, and then with your hands. A well-mixed dough made with boiling water turns out to be soft, not sticky to the hands and very elastic.

4. Before use, it is necessary to stand for about half an hour.

5. Wash the berries under the tap, tear off the leaves and cut the strawberries into medium-sized slices - “slices”. Add one and a half tablespoons of sugar and mix. So that when cooking juice does not run out of dumplings, you can put starch (two tablespoons) together with sugar in the berries.

6. Roll out the pastry dough with a rolling pin into a 2 mm layer and squeeze a glass of dumpling blank from it.

7. Put on each circle a little filling (2 "slices") and blind the edges, forming dumplings.

8. Boil for 8-10 minutes.

Steamed curd dumplings with strawberries


• 200 gr. elastic 9% cottage cheese;

• two glasses of white, high-quality flour;

• half a glass of sugar;

• half a teaspoon of quick soda;

• two chicken eggs;

• fresh strawberries:

Cooking method:

1. Break the eggs into a bowl, add the cottage cheese and sugar, rub well with a spoon.

2. Mix the flour with quicklime soda and pour it into the curd mixture. The amount of flour indicated in the recipe may vary depending on the quality of the curd, so add it gradually. Initially, fill up a little more than half. Then add only a little, constantly adding and mixing flour well. As a result, the dough will be plastic and very soft.

3. To make it easier to sculpt dumplings, roll it a little thicker than for ordinary dumplings. The thickness of the formation should be approximately 4 mm, then squeeze the circles with a thin glass.

4. Take well-washed, leafless berries. Roll each on all sides in granulated sugar and place one in circles. Seal the edges, giving the dumplings the desired shape.

5. At a short distance, lay the “workpieces” on the pan of a double boiler and steam for 6 minutes.

Steamed lazy curd dumplings with strawberries (recipe for a slow cooker)


• four tablespoons of flour;

• a tablespoon of unsalted creamy 72% butter;

• 50 grams of sugar;

• 270 gr. homemade friable cottage cheese;

• 1 egg;

• 100 gr. medium-sized strawberries;

• liquid honey for feeding.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the berries thoroughly and put on a sieve to dry.

2. Lightly mash the cottage cheese with a pusher or fork. Add the egg, salt, remove the sample, pour sugar. Interrupt homogeneously with a kitchen processor.

3. Pour flour and mix well with a spoon.

4. Take small silicone muffin baking tins. Moisten with butter and fill with the curd mass to half. Do not spread all, leave half. Put the strawberries in the middle and gently squeeze it. Then put the remaining curd mixture on top, greasing the top with butter.

5. Fill the multicooker bowl halfway with water. Insert the steaming container and place the filled tins on it.

6. On the panel, set the mode to "Steam", the time is 20 minutes, and turn on the multicooker.

7. When ready, remove the molds, put the cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries out of them and pour liquid honey.

Steamed Dumplings with Strawberries - Tips and Tricks

• To make the dumplings more magnificent from the dough on kefir, it is advisable to extinguish the ripper (soda) in any acidic medium (citric acid or lemon juice).

• Let stand for any kind of dumpling dough. It will become more elastic, will roll out well and be easier to sculpt.

• Wash fresh strawberries well and only then separate the “tails”. Do not forget to dry the berries.

• Be sure to add starch to the berries. It will absorb the juice released from them and the risk that the dumplings will flow will decrease.

• Do not put dumplings close. When steaming, they increase well in size and can stick together.


Watch the video: How to Make Dumplings : Food Variety (June 2024).