Detox diet for cleansing the body and effective weight loss. Exemplary detox diet menu and diet principles


The modern rhythm of life does not always allow a person to monitor what he eats.

Very often, people do not pay enough attention to their stomach, are content with quick fast food snacks.

All this leads to the formation of excess weight and "clutter" of the body with toxins and toxins.

Detox diet is a great way to normalize the digestive system, regulate blood pressure and cholesterol.

Moreover, following the simple rules of the technique, you can get rid of excess weight and normalize your body quickly and efficiently.

The effectiveness of the detox diet and its main advantages

The method of cleansing the body allows you to notice a significant weight loss after the first week. It takes at least 3 kg, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Some women also note the fact that cellulite is reduced and the skin becomes more elastic.

Detox diet has a positive effect on health. After a week, the outflow of bile is normalized and intestinal motility is stabilized.

Other benefits:

• prevention of cholesterol levels increase;

• removal of toxins and toxins;

• reduction of acne and other skin rashes;

• blood purification;

• restoration of intestinal microflora;

• prevention of diseases related to the genitourinary system.

It is believed that the diet detox diet is characterized by antioxidant properties, helps prevent the formation of cancer cells and tumors (malignant and benign).

The basic principles of detox diet

The duration of the procedure is 3-5 days. For a more effective cleansing of the body and weight loss, this period can be extended no more than up to 10 days. Next, you need to take a break.

The basic rules on which a detox diet is based

1. The method of cleansing the body must begin to prepare in advance. About a month is recommended to minimize the consumption of fatty foods and high-calorie foods.

2. Not digestible carbohydrates are not recommended.

3. 10 days before the start of losing weight, fish, meat and poultry are completely excluded from the diet. Emphasis must be placed on food of plant origin.

4. You need to eat often, but in small portions to eliminate the feeling of hunger.

5. It is advisable not to use seasonings and salts at all when preparing dishes, as they provoke appetite.

6. So that after awakening the intestines and stomach begin to work, you need to drink a glass of water with a slice of lemon on an empty stomach. Only half an hour after that, tea or coffee is allowed.

7. An important role in the detox diet is played by the drinking regime. During the day, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water.

8. You can’t go to bed late, you need to give the body a rest. The recommended time for going to bed is 9-10 pm.

9. It is important to constantly monitor your emotional state and avoid stress.

It has been proven that the human digestive system is very sensitive to emotions. Constant stresses and experiences negatively affect the work of the stomach and intestines, provoke a strong appetite. If a person has set himself the goal of cleansing the body, he needs to learn how to cope with emotions.

Detox Diet: Allowed and Prohibited Products

Approved products for weight loss and body cleansing techniques

1. Cereal and cereal crops.

2. Seasonal vegetables, green shoots and wheat sprouts.

3. Broccoli, beets, carrots, asparagus, seaweed.

4. Fruits. Particular preference is given to bananas, grapes and apples.

5. Herbal drinks.

Prohibited Products

1. Confectionery and milk chocolate.

2. Flour products.

3. Black tea and coffee.

4. Alcoholic drinks.

5. Fat of animal origin.

When planning a menu, it is very important to know what you can eat and what cannot, otherwise the detox diet will not give the desired result. If a person cannot do without a cup of coffee in the morning, you can try to make chicory for yourself - it is very invigorating, and also very useful. Instead of black tea, you can make herbal decoctions and compotes from dried fruits.

Sample detox diet menu for 7 days

If a person plans to follow the method of cleansing the body and losing weight for more than 5 days, it is necessary to include lean poultry meat or fish 1 time in the diet to replenish the protein balance.

Sample detox diet menu for the week

1. Monday

Morning. Tea with ginger and a slice of whole grain bread.

Dinner. Rice porridge with vegetables - 200 grams.

Snack. One banana or green apple (baked).

Dinner. Two boiled eggs and steamed vegetables - 150 grams.

Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a glass of prune compote.

2. Tuesday

Morning. Vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil and green tea with mint and lemon.

Dinner. Vegetable soup.

Snack. One whole grapefruit.

Dinner. Vegetable salad with the addition of goat cheese - 150 grams.

Before going to bed, as on the first day - a glass of compote.

3. Wednesday

Morning. 150 grams of fat-free cottage cheese with grated green apple, tea with chamomile.

Dinner. Green borscht - 200 ml, without frying.

Snack. Kiwi - 2 medium fruits.

Dinner. A salad of fresh seasonal vegetables and a slice of boiled fish fillet.

30 minutes before bedtime 150 ml of compote.

4. Thursday

Morning. Fruit salad with nuts - 100 grams, green tea with ginger and lemon.

Dinner. Vegetable soup.

Snack. One grapefruit fruit.

Dinner. Vegetable salad, 1 boiled egg.

Before going to bed, you need to drink 150 ml of warm water with two pieces of dried apricots.

5. Friday

Morning. Tea with chamomile and 100 grams of vegetable salad.

Dinner. Carrot and pumpkin soup puree - no more than 200 ml.

Snack. Smoothie made from green apples and natural unsweetened yogurt.

Dinner. Vegetable stew.

Before going to bed - dried fruit compote.

6. Saturday

Morning. Freshly squeezed juice from carrots and apples, a slice of whole wheat bread.

Dinner. Green borscht - 200 ml.

Snack. 50 grams of almonds.

Dinner. White cabbage and cucumber salad, 1 boiled egg.

Before going to bed, drink 150 ml of prune decoction.

7. Sunday

Morning. Ginger tea and a salad of carrots, apples, nuts and raisins.

Dinner. Soup made from cauliflower, broccoli and herbs - 200 ml.

Snack. 1 banana

Dinner. Boiled cauliflower and 100 grams of green canned peas.

Important! Tea with ginger is recommended to drink 200 ml every day, as it contributes to faster and more efficient removal of toxins and toxins from the body, accelerates the process of burning body fat.

Recipes for some detox diets

1. Vegetable soup

This dish is very well absorbed by the body and gives a feeling of satiety for several hours. For cooking, you will need the following ingredients:

• zucchini - 2-3 pieces;

• zucchini - 1 fruit;

• fresh milk - 200 ml;

• sweet pepper - 2 pieces;

• onion - 2 pieces;

• 1 eggplant.

The ingredients are selected per 1 liter of water.

All vegetables are thoroughly washed, peeled and cut in large pieces. The mixture is placed in a deep frying pan and stewed until half cooked with olive oil. Then everything is transferred to the pan, filled with clean water. The soup is brought to a boil, cooked until tender. Then the contents of the pan are ground in a blender.

2. Rice with vegetables

For this recipe, you can use both frozen vegetable mixtures and fresh products. In a deep frying pan, half a glass of rice is fried in olive oil for 10-15 minutes, then the vegetable mixture is poured there, everything is poured into a glass of boiled water. The dish is stewed until cooked (20-25 minutes).

If the dish will be prepared from fresh vegetables, it is recommended to take seasonal ones. For example, it can be carrots, zucchini, eggplant, green beans. Potatoes are not added to the dish.

3. Pumpkin soup puree

Pumpkin is a very useful product for the body, it improves intestinal motility, boosts immunity and removes toxins.

To prepare the soup, you will need the following ingredients (per 900 ml of water):

• pumpkin pulp - 700 grams;

• carrots - 2 pieces;

• 1 onion;

• milk - 100 ml;

• low-fat sour cream - 50 ml;

• half a green apple.

All vegetables are peeled, chopped and stewed with olive oil for 10-15 minutes. Everything is transferred to a saucepan, poured with water, 50 grams of crushed ginger root is added there. Soup is cooked until tender and chopped in a blender.

Side effects and contraindications to the detox diet

Detox diet involves the rejection of meat and other foods that contain carbohydrates. This can lead to a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in the general condition of a person. In order to avoid depletion of the body, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes in addition. They will help prevent drowsiness, a constant feeling of tiredness.

During the period of following the method of cleansing the body, it is desirable to exclude strong physical and mental stress. However, outdoor walks before bedtime will be helpful.

Detox diet is not for everyone. There are some cases when following a diet is strictly contraindicated.

Detox diet is not recommended for:

• stomach ulcer and gastritis;

• lupus;

• any diseases of a chronic nature;

• rheumatism;

• osteochondrosis.

The method of cleansing the body is strictly prohibited for women during pregnancy and lactation, athletes and adolescents.

A detox diet is a great way to cleanse your body and lose weight. Due to contraindications and side effects, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before starting to adhere to the nutrition system.


Watch the video: Banana Only Diet and Other Eating Fads. Dr. Lyssy Live on Fox News. 5715 (June 2024).