Metabolic diet: restore metabolism! The basic principles of the organization of the diet of the metabolic diet and a sample menu


Modern nutritionists have conducted several studies, the statistics of which have proved that the cause of excess weight is not always a sedentary lifestyle and overeating.

A rapid set of kilograms often occurs due to a hormonal malfunction of the body. During this period, fat-burning cells work with less efficiency than fat-accumulating cells.

The body loses its ability to cope with calories, as a result, they are deposited in the form of fat.

A metabolic diet is an effective and safe solution to the problem. It is enough to revise your diet in order to restore the proper functioning of the internal organs and get rid of excess weight.

Metabolic Syndrome: How to Recognize It

Metabolic syndrome - This is the complex name of all disorders of the body, which further provoke the development of heart disease and diabetes. Every year, overweight people become more and more. If a person wants to regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and improve metabolism, he needs to think about his lifestyle and nutrition.

Metabolic syndrome is reversible if it is at an early stage. It is very important to recognize it in time.

Symptoms that should alert a person

1. The waist circumference of a man exceeds 94 cm, women - 80 cm. This is the main symptom of metabolic disorders and the presence of excess weight.

2. Constantly envelops the desire to enjoy something sweet, which gives only temporary pleasure.

3. During the day there are sharp outbreaks of aggression that pass after eating.

4. If a person skips breakfast or another meal, he feels malaise, drowsiness and severe weakness.

5. After chocolates, a person feels a sharp surge of strength, and meat products act the other way around - cause drowsiness.

6. At night, sweating is tormented and there is a constant desire to drink water.

7. After eating chocolate or other confectionery, an earthquake becomes more frequent.

If you feel these symptoms, you need to think about the metabolic diet as quickly as possible, otherwise the consequences can be much worse than obesity.

The benefits of a metabolic diet for the body

A metabolic diet is nutrition based on the principle of scoring. In any case, food products must be selected together with the attending physician in order to properly organize the daily diet and achieve an effective result.

Main advantages

1. There are no specific prohibitions on products. It is important only to follow the rules of the food system and eat at a certain time.

2. Hunger will not be felt, since the menu includes the necessary minerals and vitamins for the normal functioning of the body.

3. The weight will constantly go away, and most importantly, it will not return back.

We must not forget that losing weight is stress for the body. A metabolic diet is contraindicated in people with diabetes, with weak immunity and with problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to Build Your Diet: The Golden Rules of Nutrition

With a metabolic diet, you must follow the basic rules for building your daily diet, otherwise you should not expect an effective result. We must not forget that this is not just weight loss, but the cleansing of the body and the restoration of its normal functioning.

1. Fried foods must be discarded and baked foods preferred.

2. Canned food and convenience foods are strictly prohibited, as there is nothing useful in them. You should also consume less salt. The fact is that the products already have these components, and when a person finishes a dish, he makes it more high-calorie.

3. The use of animal fats and meat must be minimized. Boiled chicken or turkey fillet is allowed no more than three times a week.

4. The diet must include foods that contain magnesium. These are dried fruits, nuts and legumes. Their use contributes to the normalization of the cardiovascular system.

5. The maximum daily dose of sugar is 20 grams.

6. You need to eat 6 times a day, but in small portions. This will allow the stomach to digest food and not feel hungry.

7. Scientists have proven that most often metabolic problems occur in people who chew too quickly. You need to accustom yourself to chew food thoroughly.

8. In the first few days of the metabolic diet, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes to make it easier to cope with the new diet.

Metabolic Diet: Permitted and Prohibited Products

Allowed Products

1. Fats. It is allowed to eat nuts and seeds, in a moderate amount of avocados. Cream can only be 10%, sour cream 15%, butter fat content of not more than 72%.

2. Proteins. Useful seafood, low-fat fish fillet, lean meat, eggs.

3. Greens and vegetables. Vegetables are allowed to eat only non-starchy. This can be green beans, Brussels sprouts, celery, asparagus and eggplant, mushrooms, dill, radishes.

Carbohydrates are allowed in limited quantities. At the first stage - no more than 25 grams per day, at the second stage - no more than 60 grams.

Prohibited Products

1. Pasta.

2. Bread, cookies, crackers.

3. Sweet and spirits.

4. Chocolate and other confectionery.

The distribution of products by points

It has already been mentioned that there are no strict product restrictions. The main thing is to know how many points the consumed food contains.

1. 0 points are the most useful products. This group includes seafood, rabbit meat, eggs, mushrooms, green peas.

2. 1 point - natural vegetable juices, beans.

3. 2 points - chicken, nuts, rice, buckwheat, goat cheese.

4. 3 points - dark chocolate, natural yoghurts, millet.

5. 4 points - semolina, mayonnaise, chips.

When forming a menu, you always need to consider product scores.

The main stages of the metabolic diet

The metabolic diet consists of three main stages

1. The first stage is a kind of "shake" for the body. During this period, very strong weight loss occurs. Only those products that are in the category of "0 points" are allowed. The stage is very tough, because you need to follow such a diet for 2 weeks.

2. The second stage is a little easier. During this period, the most important thing is not to break loose, eat strictly by the hour and in small portions.

3. The third stage is the final consolidation of the result. Nutritionists also call it the "way out" of the metabolic diet. In addition to dinner, you can eat products from the "3-4 points" category. If weight loss stops and the result is not achieved, you need to go back to the first stage.

Sample menu for 1 day for each stage

Menu for 1 day for the first stage

1. Morning. Two boiled eggs and a glass of green tea without sugar and other sweeteners.

2. Lunch. Steamed fish with seasonal vegetables. The allowable portion is 150 grams.

3. Dinner. Green canned peas - 50 grams.

It is possible that in between meals, a person will feel a slight malaise and hunger. You can’t refuse yourself. A little secret - it’s allowed to drink a glass of kefir, it perfectly satisfies hunger.

Menu for 1 day for the second stage

1. Morning. A glass of milk and 150 grams of rice porridge without sweeteners.

2. Snack. One large green apple, preferably raw.

3. Lunch. Salad of fresh seasonal vegetables and 100 grams of boiled chicken.

4. Second snack - 100 grams of low fat cottage cheese.

5. Dinner. Omelet with green peas and champignons.

In the second stage, you can pamper yourself a bit. During the day, you can eat a piece of chocolate at breakfast.

Menu for 1 day for the third stage

1. Morning. Products from the category of 4 or 5 points - 150 grams.

2. Snack - products from the list of 3 points. The maximum serving is 100 grams.

3. Lunch. Products from the list of 2 points.

4. Dinner. The most low-calorie and easily digestible - from the list of 0 points.

The first stage lasts 10 days, the duration of the second and third stages is 5 days each. Total metabolic diet takes 20 days. During this period, the body is cleaned of toxins and toxins, metabolism and the work of other body systems are normalized. The minimum weight loss is 10 kilograms, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person. If the result does not suit you, you can repeat all the steps of losing weight again, but not earlier than after 2 weeks.

Important points in organizing a metabolic diet

1. No diet will give the desired effect if you do not play sports. If you don’t have time to visit the gym, you can do simple exercises in the morning and walk in the fresh air before going to bed.

2. At the first stage of the metabolic diet, it is necessary to take additional vitamins so as not to feel weakness and exhaustion. In the third and second stages, a sufficient amount of nutrients enters the body, so you can not drink multivitamin complexes.

3. Compliance with the drinking regime (8 glasses a day, the last at 18-00) will allow faster and more efficient to remove toxins, which will improve metabolism.

A metabolic diet is one of those nutrition systems where excess weight goes away and does not come back. Of course, you can’t overeat at the end of weight loss, as this will again lead to disruption of the internal systems of the body. The principle of nutrition is approved by nutritionists and doctors. For those who want to restore metabolism and cleanse themselves of toxins - this diet will be the best solution.


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