Pevzner diet for weight loss - helps? Table number 8 diet according to Pevzner: principles of diet organization


Excess weight and obesity is a real problem of our time, which every year more and more women and men of different ages face.

A set of extra pounds is due to a sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition. The desire to lose weight leads a person to the fact that he resorts to starvation and other exhausting diets that harm the body.

Diet according to Pevzner table number 8 is a therapeutic food, designed in such a way that guarantees gradual safe weight loss, stimulates the digestive tract, improves metabolism.

The main advantages of treatment table №8

1. Weight loss occurs gradually. In a month you can get rid of 2-3 kg. The main advantage is that the weight does not come back.

2. During the period of weight loss, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is restored, digestion is normalized, toxins and toxins are excreted.

3. The menu is very diverse and designed so that a person does not feel hungry, but can afford a light snack.

4. Metabolism is normalized, the body at the end of the diet will learn to independently adjust its weight and say "stop" overeating.

Pevzner diet: the main rules of nutrition and the principles of building a diet

The Pevzner diet is a therapeutic diet, so initially you need to familiarize yourself with all the rules for building a diet.

1. Diet requires that a person accustoms himself to eating small meals at least 5 times a day.

2. The volume of food eaten should be such that the stomach feels full, but not heaviness.

3. You need to refuse frying, dishes are prepared by baking, boiling or steaming.

Permissible daily calorie intake and chemical composition

1. Fats - 30% of them must be of vegetable origin, the maximum allowable amount is 80 grams.

2. Carbohydrates - at least 150 grams.

3. Proteins - 60% of the daily allowance should be of animal origin, the maximum amount of 150 grams.

4. No more than 6 grams of salt for the whole day.

During the day, you must drink 1 liter of clean water without gas. It is also important to observe the calorie content of dishes. 1800 Kcal per day is allowed to ensure gradual weight loss and to avoid overeating.

Allowed and prohibited foods for the diet according to Pevzner (table No. 8)

The Pevzner diet, like any other nutrition system, has its own list of products that need to be included in the diet, and which must be excluded. Knowing these nuances, it will not be difficult to compose for yourself a useful daily menu that meets the required calorie content.

List of allowed products

1. Bakery products from bran, bread only from wholemeal flour. The maximum allowable rate per day is 100 g.

2. Any soups on vegetables. Particular preference is given to beetroot soup, okroshka, borsch. Daily portion - no more than 200 g.

3. Low-fat meat. This is chicken, turkey, beef. A day is allowed no more than 150 g.

4. Seafood and lean fish are especially useful with diet number 8. 200 g is allowed per day

5. Dairy and sour milk products are not prohibited, the main thing is that it should be of low fat content. The norm per day is 120 g.

6. Eggs are allowed to be consumed in the form of omelettes and in boiled form (hard boiled). No more than 2 pieces are allowed per day.

7. Of cereals, preference is given to a cell, pearl barley and buckwheat porridge.

8. Vegetables are recommended seasonal and raw. Especially useful are cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers and tomatoes, lettuce.

9. Sweet and sour berries.

10. Lovers of sweets should not worry, in the Pevzner diet, table No. 8 is allowed to include mousses, jellies and other desserts with sweeteners.

11. Of the drinks allowed natural coffee, vegetable and fruit juices, green tea, herbal decoctions.

12. It is advisable to cook dishes with the addition of olive oil - it is much more useful than vegetable.

Pevzner diet implies the abandonment of the list of the following products

1. Baking from butter and puff pastry, bread from first grade flour.

2. Potato, bean and milk soup.

3. Canned foods, fatty poultry or meat, sausages.

4. Canned, salted or smoked fish.

5. Baked milk, high fat dairy products.

6. Fried eggs in vegetable oil.

7. Pasta, rice, hercules and semolina are categorically prohibited from cereals.

8. It is advisable to refuse potatoes, various marinades and pickles.

9. Sweet varieties of fruit fall out of the diet. These are grapes, bananas, as well as dried fruits

10. Ice cream and various high-calorie confectionery products are prohibited.

11. All spices, ketchups and mayonnaises should be excluded from the diet.

12. Of the drinks prohibited grape juice, cocoa, jelly.

Diet according to Pevzner: a sample menu for 7 days (diet table number 8)

Diet according to Pevzner is a treatment menu, following which a person is guaranteed to get rid of excess weight and cleanse his body of toxins and toxins.

Sample menu for the week of treatment table No. 8


1. Morning. A piece of boiled fish fillet, 50 grams of vinaigrette and a glass of pomegranate juice.

2. Snack. Homemade Pear Mashed Potatoes.

3. Lunch. 100 grams of stewed cabbage and a milkshake.

4. Second snack. Mousse made from apples and raspberries.

5. Dinner. A glass of blackberry compote, 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet.


1. Morning. Barley groats (100 grams), cooked in milk and a glass of sea buckthorn fruit drink.

2. The first snack. A glass of kefir with a fat content of 1%.

3. Lunch. Fish steaks and mashed seasonal vegetables. The total portion is 150 grams.

4. Second snack. Salad of eggs, crackers and fresh carrots seasoned with sour cream.

5. Dinner. Carrot juice and 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.


1. Morning. Steamed egg omelet. Serving 100 grams, a glass of yogurt.

2. The first snack. Strawberry Jelly.

3. Lunch. Vegetarian soup - serving 150 ml.

4. Second snack. Salad with cottage cheese and cucumber.

5. Dinner. A glass of pumpkin juice and mashed berry.


1. Morning. Light meat salad (100 g), 50 g stew of seasonal vegetables.

2. The first snack. Salad of fresh pumpkin and green apples.

3. Lunch. Lean beetroot with a slice of wheat flour bread.

4. An afternoon snack. Mashed potatoes made from natural yogurt and green apples.

5. Dinner. Vegetable light salad, black tea with honey and lemon.


1. Morning. Casserole of vegetables, a glass of berry compote.

2. The first snack. Steamed broccoli and carrots - a portion of 100 grams.

3. Lunch. Pearl barley and 50 g of boiled shrimp.

4. Second snack. Low fat cottage cheese - 100 grams. For taste, you can add some fresh berries to it.

5. Dinner. Pumpkin porridge and a glass of grapefruit juice.


1. Morning. Fresh white cabbage salad and tomato seasoned with sour cream.

2. The first snack. Berry jelly - a portion of 150 ml.

3. Lunch. Vinaigrette, a slice of wheat bread and vegetable soup.

4. Second snack. Dietary natural unsweetened yogurt.

5. Dinner. Baked fish fillet with broccoli and garlic, a glass of fruit compote.


1. Morning. Seasoned vegetables puree, chicken and buckwheat cutlets.

2. Lunch. Low fat cottage cheese with fresh berries.

3. Lunch. Tomato soup and a few slice of chicken fillet stewed in sour cream.

4. Second snack. Baked apples with honey.

5. Dinner. Zucchini puree, steamed omelet with carrots.

This is only an approximate menu for the week diet table number 8. If desired, some dishes are allowed to be replaced, based on the lists of allowed and prohibited products.

Useful recipes

In addition to standard dishes, the Pevzner diet can be diversified with other interesting combinations of products.

1. Souffle from carrots and apples

Peel the carrots, finely chop, then skip in boiling water for about 10 minutes. In the same saucepan, peeled apples are added. Everything boils for another 15 minutes. 30 grams of milk is added to the mass, after boiling 10 grams of semolina. The protein is separated from the yolk. Yolk is added to boiled products. The protein is well beaten with a small amount of sugar, the baking dish is smeared with it. Then the boiled mixture is poured there and put in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

2. Steamed fish cakes

Low-fat fish fillet (500 grams) is well chopped. There is added 30 grams of bread pre-soaked in milk and one egg. Everything is mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. Cutlets are made from minced meat - they are steamed for about 30-35 minutes.

Pevzner Diet: Duration and Results

People who have followed the principles of building a diet of dietary table No. 8 speak positively about the method of losing weight. It is believed that such a nutrition system should be followed for at least 30 days. The menu is designed so comprehensive that people will not feel hunger. In addition, the body will constantly receive beneficial vitamins and minerals, which eliminates the risk of malaise, dizziness.

The results of the Pevzner diet are very good. If you follow all the recommendations and tips, every month a person will lose an average of 3-4 kilograms. This is an optimal indicator that will not adversely affect the state of health. Weight loss will be uniform, then the person will not recover again.

The reviews prove that after a few weeks of reviewing your diet, significant improvements in overall health begin - stool and digestive system normalize, hunger and bloating constantly disappear. A person feels light.

Diet according to Pevzner is an opportunity for everyone to get rid of extra pounds and do it with benefit for the body.


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