Icelandic moss - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Icelandic Moss - General Description

Icelandic moss (Icelandic lichen) - a natural lichen, which is a branched bush with a leaf thallus (according to folk healers, it resembles deer horns quite strongly). Iceland moss can reach a height of 12 centimeters, a width of 20 centimeters, although its traditional size varies around 7-15 centimeters, usually the lichen branches are twisted. The color of Icelandic moss is brownish-green with white spots.

Icelandic moss - types and places of growth

Lichen can be found in any region of the Russian Federation; it grows on the Crimean peninsula and the Caucasus. Pine forests, tundra, swamps and even highlands - Icelandic moss feels comfortable everywhere.

Icelandic moss - healing properties

Lichen has a lot of useful properties that made it indispensable in traditional medicine. Icelandic moss helps to cope with such ailments as tuberculosis, asthma, softens cough, relieves toothache and inflammation of the tonsils. The beneficial effect is noticeable when using decoctions and tinctures of lichen, for example, they relieve stomach cramps, activate the digestion process, clean out the bile ducts. Regular use of Icelandic moss increases appetite, solves problems with insomnia.

Another amazing property of lichen is its anti-inflammatory effect; its use is indicated for infectious diseases and tumors.

Icelandic Moss - dosage forms

As a basis for the production of a medicinal product from Icelandic moss, a thallus of lichen is used. As a rule, they harvest moss with a rake or simply remove the thallus with their hands. Before starting to dry the medicinal base in a well-ventilated room or in fresh air, the moss should be thoroughly cleaned of impurities in the form of needles or earth. The exposure of dried moss to sunlight does not cause any dangerous consequences, but the beneficial components of lichen are still gradually being destroyed.

After the first drying is completed, it is necessary to sort out the lichen again, finally cleaning it of the remaining impurities, then dry it for several more hours, put it in bags or a wooden container.

The moss prepared for preparation of the drug can be stored for two years, after which it is no longer worth using for medicinal purposes.

The uniqueness of the thallus of Icelandic moss lies in the fact that it contains a large number of components useful for the body: vitamin B, gum, proteins, fats, the substance cetrarin and lichen acids.
Usually, lichen is harvested in late August or early autumn.

Icelandic Moss - Recipes

Icelandic moss is used for medicinal purposes in the form of decoctions, infusion, tea is brewed with it and added during the preparation of compresses.

Iceland Moss Tea Recipe for Respiratory Tract:
2 teaspoons of small lichen pour 1 cup of cold water, slowly bring the mixture to a boil and strain. Drink such a decoction 2-3 times a day for 1 glass. With a strong cough, you can add a little honey to such a decoction, the effect will intensify.

Iceland Moss Tea Recipe for Pertussis:
With whooping cough, it makes sense to mix Icelandic moss with thyme, take two components in a 1: 1 ratio. For one tablespoon of thyme and Icelandic moss, pour 1 cup of hot water, find the liquid to infuse for 5-10 minutes, then strain. Drink this infusion should be cold (if you want, you can drink warm, in the form of tea) 2-3 times a day, 1 glass.

Icelandic Moss - Contraindications

There are no contraindications when using Icelandic moss, as well as side effects in case of overdose.


Ala 11/12/2016
My son (7 years old) did not cough for 2 (!) Months. He was tormented terribly, nightly coughing fits exhausted to powerlessness. Panting in the lungs. In the center of Gordeev, Icelandic moss was advised. I took it purely from hopelessness (it will not be worse), and HELPED !!! There are no side effects! We drank with honey - no allergies. A week after the start of the application, we went to kindergarten!)))

Maria 04/22/2016
So we have such a plant growing !!! It's just that no one probably knows that this is Icelandic moss !! For example, I didn’t know for sure. And until I examined the picture better, I still didn’t understand that this plant is quite common for Russia.

Violetta 04/22/2016
And a very important point - there are no contraindications for the use of this plant. Nice to hear that. Usually the opposite is true. Yes, and medicines based on this moss can be stored for a long time. I'd like to try its action.

I wonder why they called him a moss? Maybe this is how it should be. Indeed, this Icelandic moss has nothing to do with our moss. Here's a lichen wherever it goes. And the healing properties of this plant are truly amazing.

Naina 04/22/2016
Yeah. Impressive. And in appearance, such a nondescript plant. Nothing attractive. Appearance is deceptive))) It treats very common diseases, and tuberculosis, and various injuries of the respiratory tract.


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