Why dream so


Already - completely harmless creature, but for most people, it causes rejection and disgust. Sometimes this reptile is a person in a dream, foreshadowing the onset of certain events.

To give the correct interpretation of the dream, it is necessary to pay attention to many details: the size of the snake, its behavior, color and other characteristics. Get a reliable decoding help modern dream book.

Dreamed of a dream in a dream what is it

If you had a dream, it could mean the following:

  • a business person who sees a dream in a dream should be careful, especially during negotiations with partners; there is a possibility that they will try to deceive, or to draw into a dubious event;
  • take a harmless snake for a dangerous, poisonous snake - you too idealize the people around you and attribute to them qualities that they do not possess;
  • to see how it hunts and cracks down on its victim - you will be able to achieve your goal by paying a high price for it;
  • to see the creeping, creeping into the house - soon you will meet your old friend who will change your life for the better;
  • a man dreams of being bitten by a bite - competitors and ill-wishers are trying to harm you, but their attempts are not crowned with success;
  • to kill a snake in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing a victory over enemies without much effort on the part of the dreamer;
  • to see him dead - feel free to go to your goal, no one will prevent you from achieving it;
  • a snake in a dream wraps around your neck - some slippery type will bring you trouble.

Why dream of a woman

If a woman dreams of a dream, the dream book offers the following interpretations:

  • the girl loses consciousness when she is bitten by a snake in a dream - you will be disappointed in a loved one who has too much confidence;
  • for a woman to see the snake coiled up - wait for the good news;
  • a snake crawls at your feet and snuggles around - if a young girl saw such a dream, it means that her admirer will soon make her an offer, a dream foreshadows family well-being for a woman, if her husband is sick, he will soon recover,
  • a slippery creature has bitten on the face or hand - the dream of a woman foreshadows pregnancy;
  • to kill in a dream, uzh - the love fervor of your partner will calm down, and relations with him will become rather cool;
  • if you dream of having a girlfriend basking in the sun - wait for the good news, a pregnant woman will dream of a calm and prosperous birth, while a married woman is a pleasant surprise.
  • a big snake dreamed of a woman - she would have a rich fan.

Already in the house why dream

If you already dream in the house, the dream book offers to pay attention not only to his habits, but also to the color:

  • the red snake is in the house - it is a symbol of aggression and impending danger, problems will soon arise in your family, but if the reptile crawls out of the house, all troubles will quickly end;
  • white creeping too - it is possible to win a large amount of money, the more reptiles dream, the more money will be;
  • to see a green snake in your home - you will overcome all difficulties, start a career growth at work, you will also manage to get rid of fears and complexes;
  • creeping yellow horror to see - in case of difficulties in life, count only on your own strength, and you will cope with all the troubles;
  • to keep wriggling reptile in your hands - soon a slippery and unpleasant type will appear in your house, who will try to gain confidence.

Why dream of having snakes in the water

  • Dream interpretation asserts, if you dreamed too in the water - this is a favorable sign. Soon the dreamer will have to find himself in an unusual situation, but he will not lose his head and will begin to act in the most correct way in the created conditions.
  • For a person who has been ill for a long time, such a dream portends a speedy recovery.
  • If you see that the snake is sinking - the trick of your foe will fail, and you will be able to bring him "to the clear water."
  • See a lot of snakes who swim across the reservoir - soon you will learn new facts about people close to you, you will be able to use the information obtained for your own purposes.

A lot of things to dream about

If you have a lot of dreams, it can mean:

  • creeping reptiles behave peacefully and do not show signs of aggression - you will find yourself among friends and have a great time with them;
  • to see a lot of snakes crawling in the grass - you will be in nature with nice people;
  • reptiles bask in the stone - you will have a little quarrel, but in a heated argument with opponents you will be able to defend your own opinion;
  • snakes are crawling in the reeds - you will be discussed behind your back and let go of gossip;
  • to see the creeping snakes on the damp ground or the grave - you are too elevated nature, it's time to go down to the ground.

What dream little snakes

  • Dream interpretation asserts that a small creeping person, who appeared to a person in a dream and who does not show signs of aggression, is always a harbinger of joy.
  • However, if you see a whole tangle of little angry reptiles - this is a herald of minor problems and annoying surprises.
  • Small non-venomous snakes are not dangerous, and this means that you will quickly cope with all the problems.


Watch the video: Why Do We Dream? (June 2024).