Papillomas on the face: causes of pathology. Papillomas on the face - how to get rid of papillomavirus infection


Papillomas are a fairly common problem.

In most cases, these formations on the skin of the face are benign and do not pose a serious threat to human health. But despite this, papillomas must be treated and prevent damage.

Papillomas on the face: photos, varieties and symptoms

Papilloma is a benign formation that develops from the epithelium. It has a viral nature of origin. One of the most common places of localization on the face are the eyelids, nose, cheeks and border of lips.

In medical practice, depending on the type of papillomaviruses, the following varieties of papillomas are distinguished:

• Ordinary. Initially, they have the shape of a spherical papule of small size. As a result of growth, their surface becomes rough, clear boundaries are lost and the color darkens. They can be single and multiple. They are localized on the chin and on the rim of the lips. Very difficult to treat.

• Akrokhody. They are considered the most common species. They are characterized by an elongated, filiform shape. The presence of a thin leg is a special feature of this type of papillomas. Appear in most cases on the eyelids and in old age.

• Flat. These neoplasms have a round or oval shape, with a slight elevation above the surface of the skin. The color of these papillomas is a couple of tones darker than the skin of the face. They are characterized by group placement on the cheeks and forehead.

Each type of formation has its own characteristic visual features. Papillomas on the face, photos of which clearly demonstrate the characteristics of each species, help to establish the type of papillomavirus that affects the human body.

Papillomas on the face: causes of pathology

The main reason for the appearance of papillomas on the face is the infection of the human body with the papilloma virus. Only in the presence of HPV benign formations appear on the skin integument of the body.

The main methods of infection:

• Unprotected intercourse and kisses with an infected person.

• Through the birth canal of the mother.

• When sharing household supplies with the patient.

• In public areas with high humidity.

Many people are carriers of this infection, while there are no obvious signs of pathology on their body. This is due to the presence of a good immune system. At the slightest malfunction in its functioning, the virus can manifest itself by the appearance of papillomas in various parts of the body, including on the face.

Reasons for promoting the growth of papillomas:

• Dysfunction of the endocrine system.

• Long-term strong emotional stress.

• Prolonged depression.

• Depletion of the nervous system.

• Strong physical overwork.

• The presence of chronic diseases.

• Subcooling.

• Weakened immunity.

In the presence of papillomas on the face, the causes of their occurrence are recommended to immediately identify. This will allow you to choose the right treatment and prevent reappearance.

Papillomas on the face: how to get rid of papillomavirus infection

The elimination of papillomas begins with a full examination. Based on its results, the type of HPV is determined and appropriate treatment is prescribed. Therapy of this pathology consists not only in the mechanical removal of formations, but also in the elimination of human papillomavirus infection.

Comprehensive treatment of papillomatosis consists of taking systemic medications and the use of local medications. With general therapy, drugs of the following pharmacological groups are prescribed:

• Antiviral - suspend the reproduction of the virus.

• Immunostimulants - contribute to the activation of the protective functions of the body.

• Cytotoxic - eliminate pathologically altered cells.

Modern medicine offers therapeutic courses, the effectiveness of which reaches 70%. It is impossible to get rid of this pathology forever. A slight weakening of the immune system can provoke a relapse of the disease. Therefore, after a therapeutic course, it is recommended to observe preventive measures:

• Proper balanced nutrition.

• Regular intake of complex vitamin and mineral preparations.

• Avoid psycho-emotional stress.

• Do not freeze.

• Eliminate overwork. Daily rest should be at least 8 hours of sleep per day.

• Taking immunostimulating drugs.

Papillomavirus infection can spread rapidly in the body, which is manifested by an increase in the number of papillomas on the face. Only a doctor can know how to get rid of these neoplasms without causing harm to the skin. Therefore, if there is even one papilloma on the face, it is urgent to seek medical help. Properly selected medication for papillomatosis will prevent the appearance of new formations on the face.

Methods for the treatment of papillomas on the face, how to get rid of formations

In modern medicine, the following methods are used to eliminate cosmetic defects caused by the presence of papillomas on the face:

• Surgical removal.

• Cryodestruction.

• Electrocoagulation.

• Radio wave method.

• Laser removal.

• Chemical destruction.

Surgery consists in the operative removal of papillomas with a scalpel or scissors. After the operation, vessels are cauterized at the base. It is used on the face in extreme cases, since there is a high probability of scarring after it. This method of getting rid of papillomas allows you to save biological material for histological analysis.

Cryodestruction is the most gentle and inexpensive method to eliminate papillomas. Their destruction occurs as a result of nitrogen exposure to pathological neoplasms. After this treatment, the papilloma disappears on its own. The duration of the course of therapy depends on the individual indicators of the disease, and can last from 1 day to 2 weeks.

Electrocoagulation based on cauterization of papillomas with constant or high-frequency current. Under its influence, the formations are dried, which ensures their easy separation of the skin. It is strictly forbidden to use electrocoagulation to remove papillomas on the eyelids.

Radio wave removal carried out by a special device, which cuts off the papilloma in a non-contact way. It is used to remove neoplasms in hard to reach places. It is characterized by the absence of scars on the skin after its use, and a short recovery period.

The use of laser technology is the most common method to eliminate this cosmetic problem. The positive aspect of this method is the speed of its implementation, the rapid healing process, the absence of scars and scars on the face.

In case of chemical destruction papilloma is destroyed by aggressive chemicals. This method is used very rarely, since after this manipulation burns, allergic reactions, and scar formation are possible.

Regardless of the method, removal of papillomas on the face should be carried out exclusively by a doctor of the highest category. Since poor-quality procedures can lead to injuries and damage to the skin.

Effective treatment of papillomas on the face provides an integrated approach. Mechanical removal of formations with the parallel use of medications will allow you to get rid of the human papillomavirus and prevent relapse.


Watch the video: Human Papillomavirus. HPV. Nucleus Health (June 2024).