The easiest pork marinade is here! Quick and economical recipes for the simplest marinade for delicious barbecue


Cooking a delicious barbecue is a real art.

Most of the success of this business lies in the correct marinade.

However, it is absolutely not necessary to use for this some expensive and intricate products, to carry out complex manipulations.

The easiest barbecue marinade can also give an excellent result.

It is just necessary to choose the right base product, which will make the meat tender, juicy, saturate it with tastes and allow it to cook the right kebab.

Most often, pork is chosen for this dish.

Therefore, we consider the cooking rules and recipes for the simplest pork marinade.

The basic principles of the preparation of the simplest marinade for barbecue

For a simple kebab, you need to choose the right one - quite young and fresh. Of the carcass parts, the cervical one is best, where the meat is mixed with fat. If the neck is very oily, then part of the fat can be cut off. Fans of more lean kebabs can choose a tenderloin. The upper parts of the legs, the kidney part can also be used for frying on charcoal.

As the main component of a quick marinade for pork, fit:

- vinegar

- bow

- wine

- beer

- tomato paste or sauce

- dairy products

- kiwi

- pomegranate and lemon juice.

The technology is simple - meat is cut into small pieces, mixed with salt, spices and any pickling products. Sometimes the marinade along with salt and spices is cooked separately, then the meat is poured with this mixture.

Pickling time - a minimum of an hour or two, possibly more. Often, barbecue put marinated at night.

Prepared meat is fried over hot coals, that is, without fire, placed on a wire rack or strung on skewers.

Served with herbs, vegetables, seasonings and sauces.

The simplest marinade for barbecue on vinegar

Vinegar is the traditional basis of barbecue marinade for Russians. It softens the meat well, and is great for fatty pork, as it adds a certain acidity. The main thing is to take vinegar in moderation.


  • Kilogram of pork neck

  • A tablespoon of vinegar essence

  • Half a glass of water

  • Half a tablespoon of salt

  • Black pepper, onions - optional.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the meat into oblong slices.

  2. Salt, pepper.

  3. If onions are used, they must be cut in any way and put in the meat.

  4. Dilute vinegar with water, pour meat.

  5. Leave to marinate for two hours. At least once during this time, the meat must be mixed.

  6. Before frying, pieces of meat are rather tightly threaded onto skewers and grilled over hot coals, preventing the fire from appearing - to extinguish it with water.

  7. Turn to fry evenly on all sides. When the barbecue is browned, remove from heat.

  8. An excellent garnish for such meat will be fresh onions, cucumbers, tomatoes.

Onion juice - the basis of the simplest kebab marinade

Onion-based marinade softens and aromatizes meat, while it does not dry it and does not destroy the fiber structure. You can use such a marinade for poultry, young beef and, of course, for pork. Onions should be taken white, its juice is more bitter and saturated.


  • Pork - tenderloin, neck, kidney - about a kilogram

  • 3 large onions

  • 2-3 bay leaves

  • Incomplete tablespoon of salt

  • A tablespoon of vegetable oil

  • Freshly ground black pepper - a pinch.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the meat into pieces suitable for barbecue.

  2. Chop the onion into pulp using a blender, knife or meat grinder.

  3. Salt the resulting mass, add a pinch of pepper for flavor, pour oil and put bay leaves.

  4. If a little time is expected for pickling, the mixture can be slightly warmed up in a microwave oven to a warm state, then the tastes will penetrate the meat faster. Cover the container when heated.

  5. Immerse pieces of meat in the marinade, mix, clean in a cool place.

  6. After two hours, the meat can be fried. It needs to be slightly brushed off the marinade, if skewers are used. If it is fried on a wire rack, you can put a little squeezed onion from the marinade between the pieces of meat, it will be deliciously fried.

The simplest and fastest tomato-based pork marinade

Tomato paste, tomato juice, various sauces, including ketchup are an excellent basis for barbecue marinade. Acid softens the fibers of the meat, after such a marinade it is perfectly browned, and inside it remains juicy and tender. If you use tomato paste or juice, it is advisable to add bright spices and seasonings to the marinade. A ready-made tomato sauce, ketchup already have a set of spices. You just need to choose the right one depending on your tastes - more spicy, spicy or sweetish. Such a marinade is suitable for pork ribs.


  • Pork ribs or neck - a kilogram with a small

  • A glass of tomato juice or half a glass of tomato paste, any sauce

  • Salt to taste depending on its availability in tomato products

  • Spices, seasonings are also to your taste - you can use black and red ground pepper, coriander, basil, cloves, nutmeg, rosemary.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the meat into large pieces, chop the ribs.

  2. Pour the tomato component into a bowl. Add salt and spices depending on its taste.

  3. Submerge pieces of meat in the sauce, mix thoroughly, coating each piece with the mixture.

  4. Leave to marinate for an hour. Taste the sauce, add salt. If the sauce is not acidic at all - this happens with some varieties of tomato paste, add a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice to it.

  5. At the end of the marinating period, fry the meat in any suitable way.

The easiest way to cook marinated pork on canned tomatoes

Salty or pickled tomatoes contain large amounts of acid. It is either secreted during the fermentation process if the tomatoes are salted in the usual way, or are available there thanks to vinegar, this applies to pickled fruits. For pork, you can just take a few tomatoes from a jar and a little brine, adjust the taste with spices and quickly marinate the meat - with virtually no extra cost.


  • Pork - about a kilogram of any suitable part of the carcass

  • 3-4 salted or pickled tomatoes - they must be very ripe and soft

  • Half a glass of pickle or marinade from tomatoes

  • A tablespoon of vegetable oil

  • A mixture of peppers or other seasoning to taste.

  • Salt - about a teaspoon, maybe more.

Cooking method

  1. Place chopped pork in a bowl or pan.

  2. Remove tomatoes from the can, remove the peel, knead well. You can use a fork, knife, if the fruits hold their shape well - chop them with a blender.

  3. Put the tomato puree for the meat, pour the brine there too.

  4. Pepper, salt, mix.

  5. After an hour, you need to try the marinade. If there is little acid, add grains of citric acid. If there is little salt, add salt. If it turned out too salty, add a pinch of sugar. Also pour in vegetable oil, mix well again and put in the cold.

  6. Shashlik prepared on such a marinade can be served with onion rings, pickled or salted vegetables - the same tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers.

Holiday option - champagne as the easiest pork marinade

If after the holiday there remains an earthen bottle of champagne - it will turn out to quickly prepare a shish kebab marinade for pork. Moreover, the feast can be continued on the grill, in nature, because the champagne-based marinade is not only simple, but also very fast-acting. Bubbles of the drink help the marinade constituents to quickly penetrate the meat fibers.


  • Low-fat pork - approximately 800 grams, if more, increase the amount of ingredients

  • Half a tablespoon of salt

  • Spices optional - black pepper, allspice, basil, dry or fresh dill

  • A large glass of champagne - approximately 200 grams

  • Onion at will.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the meat into small pieces

  2. Salt, add all the spices.

  3. If onions are used, cut into rings and add to the meat.

  4. Put the pieces in a wide pan or cup, both a plastic container and a glass jar are suitable - if you plan to go outdoors, you can not shift the pickled meat, but immediately take it in this container.

  5. Pour the meat with champagne, squeeze a little,

  6. After an hour, you can already fry - during this time, the meat will soften and become saturated with tastes.

Lemon plus onion - one of the easiest kebab marinades

The sharpness and taste of onions, the acid and the aroma of lemon - it turns out an excellent kebab, including pork. Cooking it is very simple: everything needs to be cut and folded, adding seasoning. The only negative - he needs to marinate a little more, at least 3-4 hours. But the result is worth it: the meat is tender, soft, aromatic.


  • About a kilogram of soft non-pork

  • 3 large onions

  • 2 lemons, preferably with a thin skin

  • A tablespoon of salt without top

  • Spices as desired - black and red ground pepper are quite suitable.

Cooking method

  1. Mix the chopped meat with salt and spices, let stand for a couple of minutes.

  2. In the meantime, peel the onion and cut it into thin rings or half rings.

  3. Also thinly cut lemons, only it is not necessary to remove the skin - essential oils will add an additional pleasant touch.

  4. Put a few circles of lemon on the bottom of the wide dishes. Top layer of meat, onion rings on it.

  5. Again lay out a row of lemon slices, meat, onions. Lay to the top. It is advisable to complete, as started, with lemons.

  6. Press the resulting mass, you can even put a plate and put oppression.

  7. After 3, and preferably 5-6 hours, the barbecue can be fried. If this is done on a wire rack, you can transfer whole layers of meat and onion from the dishes, removing the lemon.

  8. Serve with fresh or baked vegetables also on the grill.

Poured and done - the simplest marinade for kefir pork

Sour-milk products are the recognized basis of marinade for barbecue from chicken, rabbit, beef, and pork will work out well with it. However, it is advisable to take pieces where there are no large layers of fat, otherwise the fat in kefir soaks and loses its shape. The kidney portion, tenderloin and other moderately lean pieces of carcass are well suited here as meat.


  • About a kilogram of pork without fat

  • Two glasses of kefir or yogurt, natural yogurt

  • Tablespoon salt without a slide

  • Two large onions

  • Bay leaves, allspice peas, ground pepper.

Cooking method

  1. The meat is chopped quite coarsely

  2. Bulbs chopped in cubes or quarter-rings.

  3. Put onion, salt, spices to the meat, mix.

  4. Pour kefir, mix well again and leave to marinate in the cool for two hours.

  5. Fry over coals, serve with fresh or canned vegetables, parsley, basil.

Tricks and secrets of making the simplest pork barbecue marinades

  • Pork is fatty meat, so it is advisable to make the marinade sour. The exception is onion juice, which is quite sharp in itself, but you need to take a lot of onion and achieve the release of a large amount of juice.

  • Too sour marinade can be corrected with a few grains of sugar or half a teaspoon of honey.

  • If you are afraid that the acid will corrode soft tender meat, add a spoonful of oil.

  • Before frying the pork kebab on vinegar, tomato, pour one chicken egg into the meat and mix thoroughly, then the protective film of protein will not allow the kebab to dry out.

  • You need to cook marinade and pickle meat in an enamel or glass dish, treat plastic with caution, and avoid enamel cookware.


Watch the video: How to Make the Best Steak Marinade. (June 2024).