Fasting day on cucumbers: effective! The rules of the daily diet, options for a fasting day on cucumbers


Cucumber is a non-nutritious low-carb vegetable that contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the human body. It is especially useful in spring - in season. An unloading day on cucumbers during this period is an ideal opportunity to cleanse your body and lose a few extra pounds. The substances in the composition of the vegetable produce a diuretic effect, as a result, excess fluid, toxins and toxins are excreted.

The main advantages of an unloading day on cucumbers

1. Arginine, which is contained in the composition, is especially useful for hypertensive patients, as it maintains normal blood pressure.

2. There is also silicon in cucumbers, it is thanks to this microelement that the metabolic processes of the body are normalized.

3. Eating vegetables starts the process of "self-purification." Toxins, toxins accumulated over time, excess fluid are removed.

4. The fasting day on cucumbers is easier to carry than "hungry" mono-diets, since the product saturates, a person will not feel hunger.

Of course, the main advantage is efficiency. There are a huge number of various “unloadings”, but not all give a good result. Cucumbers are very useful, they give the body the necessary amount of nutrients for normal functioning, while contributing to weight loss. A day leaves at least 1.5 kg, if you follow all the rules and principles of organizing daytime meals.

Options for fasting days on cucumbers

There are a lot of options for "unloading" with cucumbers, each of them is effective and gives a positive result. It remains only to choose the best option for yourself and begin to cleanse and lose weight.

1. Kefir and cucumbers

For a day, 500 ml of kefir with a fat content of 1% and 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers are required. From the presented ingredients, a cocktail is mixed in a blender and placed in the refrigerator. You need to drink one glass every 3-4 hours (depending on the individual daily routine).

You can also make kefir and cucumbers fat-burning soup.

You will need the following components:

• 600 ml of kefir (fat content 1%);

• 2 large cucumbers;

• fresh herbs (basil and mint are best).

Preparing the soup is very simple. Cucumbers are rubbed on a coarse grater so that a lot of juice does not go away. The greens are cut finely. Everything is laid out in a small saucepan, kefir is poured there too. The soup is very tasty and satisfying. The amount received is divided into equal portions per day.

2. Meat and cucumbers

Fasting day on cucumbers and meat is a non-standard recipe. However, if you strictly follow the instructions, the effect is breathtaking. For a day a person will not experience discomfort and hunger, feel a surge of strength and relief.

You will need to cook:

• fresh cucumbers (1 kg);

• boiled meat, necessarily dietary 150 grams (it can be turkey, rabbit or chicken without a peel).

All products are distributed in 5 equal parts. Then a person chooses for himself one of the unloading options to choose from - either alternating (first cucumbers, after 3 hours of meat, then again cucumbers, etc.), or at a time eat one cucumber and a piece of meat. The main rule is to have dinner before 19:00, so that the stomach has time to process food before going to bed.

3. Apples and cucumbers

An unloading day on cucumbers and apples allows you to not only lose weight, but also to drink the body with important trace elements. Both products are characterized by a rich composition, and together - this is a real vitamin "bomb". During such unloading, hunger will not be felt at all, the metabolic process will normalize, and the removal of toxins and liquids will accelerate.

Arrange unloading as follows:

• breakfast - a salad of grated cucumbers and apples, seasoned with natural unsweetened yogurt;

• after 2 hours - an apple and a cucumber in its raw form (one fruit each);

• lunch - one large green apple;

• after a few hours - two cucumbers;

• dinner - cucumber salad with parsley.

If hunger is felt before going to bed, it is not forbidden to eat one baked apple.

4. Cottage cheese and cucumbers

Another option for unloading is the combination of cucumbers and cottage cheese. Such a daily diet will be very beneficial for the body. Cottage cheese is much healthier than milk, strengthens the immune system and favorably affects the digestive tract. In addition, it has a lot of protein, which is easily absorbed. The cottage cheese is very satisfying - it is impossible to overeat, but "unloading" will allow you to see weight loss of 1.5-2 kg on the next day.

Organizing a fasting day is very simple. Of 200 grams of cottage cheese, cucumbers, herbs and green onions, a salad is prepared. If desired, it is allowed to fill with a small amount of olive oil. The resulting amount of salad is divided into three main meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. For a snack, it is optimal to drink low-fat kefir.

An unloading day on cucumbers and cottage cheese is not easily tolerated, since hunger will not be felt.

Contraindications to "unloading" on cucumbers

Despite the rich vitamin composition and benefits for the body, a fasting day on cucumbers is not suitable for everyone.

1. The daily diet is forbidden to people who have problems with the stomach (ulcer, gastritis).

2. Due to the fact that cucumbers are characterized by a diuretic effect, they should not be consumed in large numbers by people suffering from kidney diseases.

3. Pregnancy and the lactation period - any unloading at this time is strictly prohibited.

4. If there is an individual intolerance to cucumbers or other components of the presented recipes, it is better to choose a different type of discharge.

Basic rules and important points of catering on an unloading day on cucumbers

Despite the simplicity and benefits of unloading, you must follow the basic rules to achieve a really good effect.

1. The full effect of the day of unloading can be achieved only if you do not pickle the cucumbers. Spices contribute to the destruction of other important trace elements, so the basic properties of the vegetable are lost.

2. Cucumbers do not need to be peeled. Few people know what exactly in the peel contains substances that provide the maximum cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins.

3. The vegetable contains a sufficient amount of water, however, in any case, it is necessary to drink an additional 1 liter of liquid per day. Green tea is useful in the morning, as it triggers digestion and metabolic processes.

4. An unloading day on cucumbers is recommended to be carried out once a week, even if there is no excess weight. Such cleaning will favorably affect the internal state of the body.

5. If a person easily transferred the daily discharge to a vegetable, you can repeat the menu again every other day to consolidate the effect.

You need to get rid of excess weight correctly. "Hungry" diets cause stress to the body and do not have a beneficial effect on health. Fasting day on cucumbers is another matter. Nourishing and healthy vegetables will remove toxins and excess fluid, improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.


Watch the video: Intermittent Fasting (June 2024).