Tomatoes: useful properties of the product in cooking and medicine. Tomatoes: contraindications and harm to tomatoes


Tomato is a vegetable that is used in cooking in all countries of the world. However, few people know that tomato was not always so popular.

In Russia they were called "rabid berries." It was believed that by eating tomatoes, a person will go crazy.

In America, they tried to poison George Washington, however, all attempts were unsuccessful.

Now everyone loves tomatoes.

Useful properties of the product due to the content in the composition of a large number of useful substances. It was proved that this vegetable favorably affects the general state of human health and can even be used for cosmetic purposes. Are tomatoes always good? There are contraindications, but there are not so many.

Tomatoes: Rich Vitamin Composition

Tomato is a valuable source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. One fruit contains:

• vitamins of groups A, B (B2, B6), E, ​​PP, K;

• acids - ascorbic, malic, citric, and oxalic;

• trace elements - zinc, iodine, iron, sodium, silicon, manganese;

• other substances - glucose, fructose, lycopene, volatile.

It is interesting! Tomato has always been called a vegetable, but in 2001 it was decided in the European Union that it was a fruit. As for the truth, by the nature of its growth, tomato belongs to multi-nest paracarp berries.

Tomatoes: beneficial properties for humans

Due to the high content of beneficial substances in the composition, tomatoes are a very valuable product for the body. They can be used not only for preventive and therapeutic purposes, but also in cosmetology.

Tomatoes: useful properties

1. Strong antioxidant. Regular use of the fetus prevents the development of cancer cells in the human body.

2. Regulates the cardiovascular system.

3. Has a diuretic effect. It has been proven that by using tomatoes, a person establishes his metabolism. The product is indispensable in the menu of those who have problems with overweight.

4. It is an antidepressant, helps regulate the functioning of the nervous system, saturates the body with energy.

5. By eating tomatoes regularly, you can be confident in your immune system.

6. Phytoncides in the composition kill bacteria of various origins that enter the body and are characterized by anti-inflammatory properties.

7. It is important to consume tomatoes in the summer, as the product effectively and long-term quenches thirst.

8. Improves the functioning of the heart muscle, while normalizing blood pressure. The composition contains salts that regulate the acid-base balance in the body.

9. After eating fatty foods and meat, toxins gradually accumulate in the body, due to which digestive processes are disrupted and excess weight is deposited. Tomatoes allow you to cleanse the intestines, thereby constantly removing toxins and cholesterol from it.

10. Tomatoes are useful for men and women of all ages. The product contains substances that maintain skin tone and protect it from the negative effects of UV rays.

11. Eating tomatoes improves memory and helps a person better absorb new information, vitamin E also prevents the development of eye diseases.

Important! Tomatoes, the beneficial properties of which have been listed, it is best to eat along with the peel. Few people know that it is in the "skin" that contains a greater number of trace elements and nutrients important for the body. These substances are perfectly absorbed with fats, therefore, a salad from a fresh product seasoned with olive oil will be especially useful.

Tomatoes: various applications

Tomatoes with useful properties can please both raw and canned. Some experts even believe that it is a canned product that is more easily absorbed by the human body.

1. Tomatoes are indispensable in cooking. Mistresses from all over the world use them in the preparation of juice, salads, soups, all kinds of snacks and casseroles.

2. Due to their low calorie content, tomatoes are often included in the diet menu. Tomatoes give a feeling of satiety for a long time, while contributing to the normalization of digestive processes and the breakdown of the fat layer.

3. Tomato juice is recommended for gastritis - a glass of drink half an hour before a meal starts the digestive tract.

4. The pulp of the fetus has long been considered an effective remedy for burns and cuts.

5. Tomatoes are used for varicose veins. To do this, prepare mashed pulp and attach it to the legs. After 15-20 minutes, swelling will subside, a person will feel light.

6. Also, tomato puree can be applied to the face to tighten pores and smooth out unwanted wrinkles. If you add starch there, you get an excellent mask for oily skin, which will cleanse the epidermis and give the face a nice healthy glow.

7. Pulp puree and fresh tomato juice are prescribed for women during pregnancy. For expectant mothers, this is the best additional source of vitamins and mineral salts. Also, tomatoes are used for vitamin deficiency in adults and children.

8. The use of the product is recommended for urolithiasis. Oxalic acid, which is contained in the composition, removes excess fluid from the body, toxins and toxins.

It is interesting! Ancient Native American tribes used tomatoes to enhance male potency. It has been proven that tomatoes, whose beneficial properties are undeniable, have a beneficial effect on the gonads.

Tomatoes: contraindications

Like any product, tomatoes will not always be useful. Although there are not many contraindications, everyone needs to know them in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Tomatoes: contraindications and the main "but"

1. With liver diseases, you can not eat a lot of tomatoes, organic acids of the composition can aggravate the course of the disease.

2. It is strictly forbidden to drink food with starch in tomato juice - this leads to the formation of kidney stones.

3. Tomato juice and fresh tomatoes are prohibited in the presence of individual intolerance to the product, as they can cause an allergic reaction of the body. Moreover, including you can not use them externally as face masks.

4. If a person has joint diseases or osteochondrosis, one should be careful when eating a vegetable. The fact is that oxalic acid in the body violates the water-salt balance in the body, resulting in exacerbations.

5. Expectant mothers can only eat seasonal tomatoes.

6. A little-known fact - alcohol and tomatoes are absolutely incompatible.

7. When gastritis with the use of vegetables should also be careful.

Interesting fact! Together with the efforts of the Samara region and Ukraine, in gratitude for the healing properties of the tomato, a monument called "Glory to the tomato" was equipped.

Tomatoes, the contraindications and beneficial properties of which have been listed, come in various varieties. Before using the product for medicinal purposes, it is recommended that you first consult with your doctor to prevent possible side effects.


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