The possibility of preterm delivery depends on the gender of the baby.


According to studies by British scientists, boys are 14% more likely than girls to be born prematurely and suffer as a result of a number of, often irreversible diseases: cerebral palsy, blindness, and serious visual impairment.

In addition, prematurely born boys, according to Professor Joy Lawne of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, have an increased risk of developing various kinds of infections: jaundice, birth complications, and congenital pathologies. The reason for this, according to the scientist, is that boys at the stage of intrauterine development are slower than girls develop various organs.

In addition, mothers who are pregnant with a thicket boy have problems with the placenta, preeclampsia develops - an extremely high blood pressure, which poses a threat to the life of both the mother and the baby.

The predisposition to preterm birth in women pregnant with boys does not depend on the age of expectant mothers. True, older mothers are more likely to experience high blood pressure, diabetes, and other medical complications.

In vitro fertilization can also leave its mark. As a result of IVF, very often multiple pregnancies occur, which in themselves increase the risk of premature birth.

More than 15 million children are born ahead of schedule all over the world, 1 million of which do not survive. Of the survivors, 345 thousand are characterized by varying degrees of incapacity.


Watch the video: Public Health Strategies to Prevent Preterm Birth (July 2024).