Daily cabbage soup - cook according to old recipes! Preparation technology, ingredients and different variations of cabbage daily allowance


Daily cabbage soup is an old Russian dish that differs from the soup of the same name not only in technology, but also in taste. Initially, the recipe was designed for clay pots and cooking in an oven.

But everything is changing, it’s difficult to find the main attributes now, but this is not a reason to refuse a tasty and nutritious soup.

Daily cabbage soup - general principles of preparation

A day is exactly the time it takes to infuse cooked cabbage soup. This dish is not consumed right away. The true taste is revealed after freezing and thawing. Although, if you can’t resist the magical aroma, why not? The main ingredient of the dish is sauerkraut. It must certainly be acidic, with a bright taste and aroma characteristic of the product.

What else is added to the dish:

• various vegetables;

• meat, poultry;

• mushrooms;

• cereals;

• spices, herbs.

The exact ingredients depend on the recipe. But the quantity can be changed at your discretion. Traditional cabbage daily allowances are prepared partially on the stove, then they are languished in the oven. Earthenware is used. Small pots will not work, it is important to cook in large volumes. You can take a cast-iron cauldron or a stewpan with a lid, everything will work out too. But more and more often the dish is cooked simply on the stove. Dressing prepared cabbage with herbs, garlic is better before serving. You should not add a lot of spices to the dish, as it in itself turns out to be very bright, the aroma and taste are amazing!

Common cabbage soup with sauerkraut

The recipe for the simplest daily cabbage soup with cabbage and beef. It is better to use brisket or meat with small bones so that the pieces do not turn out very large.


• 800 g of beef;

• 2 onions;

• 800 g sauerkraut;

• carrot;

• a spoon of rye flour;

• one root of celery;

• 20 g butter or fat;

• hot pepper, herbs;

• 1 turnip.


1. Cut the washed beef and one onion, put in a pot.

2. Cut the second onion. Fry in butter, add sauerkraut and fry together for about ten minutes to make the soup taste brighter. Pour in a little boiling water, cover the pan and simmer for 30 minutes.

3. Cut the carrots and celery root, also put in a pot.

4. Clean the turnip, but you can also grate or cut into strips without it, send to a common dish.

5. Add hot pepper, pour a glass of water, cover the pot and put in the oven. Cook for 2 hours at 160 degrees.

6. Remove the pot, add the cabbage from the pan, stir, pour in a small amount of water, achieving the desired density. Do not forget to add a spoonful of flour to it. Re-place in the oven. Cook the dish for another hour.

7. Ready cabbage soup or just insist in a cold place, or freeze and let thaw. Warm up before serving, season with herbs.

Daily cabbage soup with dry mushrooms

Lenten version of daily cabbage soup, which is prepared on mushroom broth. Ideally, these are dry white mushrooms, but you can take any others.


• 40 g of dried mushrooms;

• 3 potatoes;

• 0.4 kg of sauerkraut;

• onion and carrot;

• some oil;

• herbs, spices.


1. Soak the mushrooms for 3 hours in cold water, then rinse thoroughly, put cook on the stove. Boil for 20-25 minutes, drain the broth, but do not discard. A glass will be needed for the broth.

2. Cut the potatoes, put in a greased pot, put in the oven, bake for 20-25 minutes without a lid.

3. Peel the onions and carrots, fry in a pan, add the cabbage and simmer until soft.

4. We take out the pot of cabbage, lay the boiled mushrooms, vegetables from the pan, add any spices.

5. Pour a glass of mushroom broth, add the required amount of water. Pure broth is better not to use.

6. Cover the pot or cover it with dough, send it back to the oven.

7. We prepare daily soup for another hour, at the end we throw a laurel under the lid, you can add dry greens. We give the dishes to brew for a day. The pot is best not to open all this time.

Daily cabbage soup with pork and tomato

Another recipe for a delicious daily soup, which is prepared with pork. Ideally, ribs are used. Instead of ready-made pasta, you can use tomatoes.


• 600 g sauerkraut;

• 500 g of pork ribs;

• 2 onion heads;

• 1 large carrot;

• 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;

• spices.


1. Grease a frying pan with oil, heat it up to a haze and throw pieces of pork. Fry the excess fat over high heat and fry until golden brown. We shift to a pot or a cauldron.

2. Fry sauerkraut on melted fat.

3. Onions and carrots are simply peeled, cut into strips, and tossed to pork.

4. Add tomato to the fried cabbage, stir, warm for a few minutes for color brightness.

5. We shift cabbage to meat.

6. Now add water to cover 2 cm of food. If the cabbage is not very salty, you can add salt to the dish. If in doubt, it is best to do this at the very end.

7. Close the dish, send to the cold oven.

8. We set 150 degrees, keep the daily soup in the oven for about 4 hours.

9. At the end, you can carefully remove the dish, stir and try. Add spices if necessary.

10. Close, put in the oven again, but turn it off. We leave in the oven until completely cooled, then you can insist for a day, but fresh cabbage soup is very tasty, saturated.

Daily cabbage soup with beans on the stove

This recipe is for those who do not have the opportunity to use the oven. You need to cook the dish in a cauldron, but a pan with thick walls will also work.


• 500 g sauerkraut;

• 400 g of any meat;

• 150 g of boiled beans;

• 100 g of onion;

• greens, oil;

• some carrots;

• parsley root.


1. The day before pour cold water over the beans. Let the beans swell well. Then they need to be washed, boiled until tender, but make sure that they do not burst and keep their shape well.

2. In a cauldron with butter, we throw chopped pieces of meat, fry for several minutes until crust, add onions with carrots and parsley. We pass a little and pour a glass of water. Cover, cook for half an hour.

3. In another skillet, simmer sauerkraut by adding a spoonful of oil to it.

4. Transfer the cabbage to the meat, add the right amount of boiling water, cook for about half an hour.

5. Now you need to taste the dish, add salt, and pour the boiled beans.

6. Turn on the maximum fire, let it boil quickly and reduce to a minimum. Cabbage soup should not boil.

7. Cover, simmer for about an hour.

8. At the end, you can throw greens, garlic, hot pepper. Stand in the cold.

Daily cabbage soup with millet and pork shank

Old Russian recipe for cabbage soup with cereals. Millet is used here, but no less tasty dish is obtained with boiled barley separately. If there is no pork shank, then use another fatty piece of meat.


• 1 shank;

• 2 onions;

• 2 carrots;

• 800 g sauerkraut;

• 100 g of millet;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• oil, greens;

• 50 g of tomato paste.


1. Rinse the knuckle well, if necessary, clean the skin with a knife from damage and contamination. Put in a pan with water, throw one onion, add one peeled carrot, put on the stove. Water pour somewhere around 3.5 liters.

2. When boiling shanks, remove foam from broth. Boil the pork until cooked for about 2.5 hours. Remove from the broth, also get vegetables, they can be thrown away.

3. In a frying pan, fry the onion with carrots that remained. Add sauerkraut, cook under the lid over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then evaporate the water, add the paste and fry.

4. Add salt and washed millet to the broth, boil for a couple of minutes.

5. Transfer sauerkraut with vegetables. Cook for about 15 minutes on the smallest fire.

6. Cut the shank, remove the bone, return the clean meat to the pan.

7. Now you can add spices to taste, toss crushed garlic and stain on the stove for another quarter of an hour.

8. We remove cabbage soup in the cold, you can freeze it. Add greens when reheated.

Daily cabbage soup with sauerkraut and fresh cabbage

A mixed variant of daily cabbage soup, for which two types of cabbage are used. Thanks to this, the dish is not very acidic, but tasty and rich.


• 500 g of fresh cabbage;

• 400 g sauerkraut;

• 0.8 kg of beef per bone;

• onions, carrots;

• 3 tomatoes;

• oil, spices.


1. Pour the washed piece of beef (or other meat) with cold water. Put cook on the stove. Cook for 2 hours, do not forget about the removal of foam.

2. Fry the onions and carrots in a large skillet, add sauerkraut, fry together, then add the grated tomatoes. Cook for 30 minutes, if necessary, add the broth from the pan.

3. Once the meat is cooked, it must be removed from the pan, remove the bones, cut the flesh.

4. Shred white cabbage, pour into the broth, cook for 5 minutes.

5. Add the sauerkraut with the remaining vegetables.

6. Return the pieces of meat, taste and salt.

7. Cover, simmer on the stove for about thirty minutes.

8. Add pepper, laurel, turn off.

Daily cabbage soup - useful tips and tricks

• Daily cabbage soup is a dish of Russian cuisine, but it can also be served with lard and garlic, as well as Ukrainian borsch. It is best to make a special dressing: finely chop a piece of salted or smoked bacon, add chopped garlic and black pepper, fresh herbs and grind well. Serve the aromatic mixture separately in a bowl or put in warmed cabbage soup.

• If you don’t like the taste of the roots, for example, celery, parsley, you can cook them in cabbage whole, then remove the dishes before cooling.

• Daily cabbage soup can be cooked in a slow cooker. It is convenient in that it has a heating function, the dish will infuse perfectly in this mode, the taste will be saturated.


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