Diet Minus 60: a menu for the week, recipes for lunch and dinner. How to cook according to the rules of the diet Minus 60, a menu for the week


The absence of prohibitions on anything is the main advantage of this system. You can actually have everything, but only according to certain simple rules. Applying the rules of the Minus 60 diet, making a menu for a week is easy. And it will be a tasty, balanced habitual diet.

Products for Diet minus 60 and a weekly menu

Daily breakfast on this diet, you can choose according to your opinion. You can even forget about losing weight. There are until 12 noon you can whatever you want. That is, in fact, everything: fried potatoes, navy pasta, cakes, preserves and other dishes strictly forbidden by strict diets.

From lunch, restrictions begin. You can’t eat meat and fish with bread, beans, potatoes. That is, you have to choose between proteins and carbohydrates. That is why for lunch you can eat meat soup, but without potatoes. Or cook a vegetarian borsch with potatoes, but on the water, without meat. Separation of carbohydrates / proteins is the main idea of ​​lunch. Ekaterina Mirimanova does not recommend eating potatoes and pasta for lunch more than once every 10 days.

Dinner should be prepared according to a certain pattern of food compatibility:

• we eat meat, poultry and fish separately from all other products, without a side dish at all;

• fruits can be combined with cottage cheese and kefir;

• vegetables can be eaten along with cereals, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products.

You can’t eat mayonnaise after two in the afternoon; vegetable oil is not used in preparing dishes for dinner. Sweet is allowed only until 12 noon. Alcohol is possible, but only in the form of dry wine or spirits (no more than one serving).

Diet minus 60: menu for the week

Breakfast according to Mirimanova is a celebration of the soul. You can eat everything, including in the menu for a week on a diet Minus 60 sweet, fatty, harmful. The only limitation is the serving size. It should not exceed 350 grams.


• Lunch: Cabbage soup green.

• Dinner: cheesecakes with sour cream, apple salad with yogurt dressing.

Green cabbage soup

• six hundred grams of meat on the bone;

• onion;

• two bunches of sorrel;

• two small zucchini;

• greens to taste;

• boiled egg;

• salt, a mixture of peppers, lavrushka;

• sour cream for serving.

Cook the broth from the meat, putting the onion during cooking, drain. Remove the meat from the bone, cut. Strain the broth, discard the onion. Cut the zucchini into cubes and throw into the broth, put it on the fire again. After boiling, lay the finely chopped sorrel. Once the broth boils again, turn off the heat, let the cabbage soup brew for half an hour. Chop the egg into a plate, pour cabbage soup there and season with sour cream or yogurt.


• Lunch: steam cutlets with white sauce, boiled green beans.

• Dinner: kebab of turkey.

Steam cutlets with white sauce


• kilogram of meat pulp;

• onion;

• two cloves of garlic in minced meat, the same amount in sauce;

• a glass of kefir or natural yogurt;

• greens to taste;

• salt, a mixture of peppers.

Grind any meat with onion and garlic. Form cutlets, cook in a double boiler. For the sauce, grate the garlic, finely chop the fresh herbs (or take a tablespoon of dried), mix everything with kefir, salt.


• Lunch: pilaf without oil, salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.

• Dinner: a cup of cottage cheese, orange juice or orange.

Turkey skewers

• turkey thigh;

• large onion;

• three garlic teeth;

• juice from a quarter of lemon;

• some salt;

• fresh cilantro, parsley, dill;

• two tablespoons of soy sauce;

• pepper.

Chopped turkey thigh marinate in onion and salt. Grind garlic and herbs, add to the marinade with soy sauce. Marinate the meat in the refrigerator for two hours. Preheat the oven and bake the meat on a baking sheet.


• Lunch: ratatouille with a slice of brown bread.

• Dinner: fish with orange sauce.


• two zucchini;

• four tomatoes;

• two eggplants;

• onion;

• bell pepper;

• salt;

• oil for the pan;

• two cloves of garlic;

• dill and parsley;

• a tablespoon of grated cheese.

Cut the eggplant into circles, salt to remove the bitterness. Fry the chopped onion in oil, then finely chopped pepper. After five minutes, add two grated tomatoes, cook the sauce for another five minutes, salt and pepper to taste. At the end, put finely chopped garlic and herbs. Lay in layers of zucchini, tomatoes and eggplant. Pour the sauce and simmer in the oven for about forty minutes. Sprinkle with cheese crumbs, let it melt and eat.


• Lunch: scrambled eggs with zucchini, gazpacho from fresh tomatoes, cottage cheese pie with meat.

• Dinner: pork chop fried in a dry frying pan without oil.


• two tomatoes;

• a tablespoon of vegetable oil;

• salt;

• a tablespoon of lemon juice;

• two cloves of garlic.

Puree tomatoes in a blender. Without turning on the appliance, add all other ingredients.

Curd cake "Tenderness itself"

• a pound of cottage cheese;

• small forks of cauliflower;

• onion;

• a tablespoon of vegetable oil;

• a pound of mixed minced meat;

• a glass of kefir or milk;

• pepper, salt, dried herbs to your taste.

Boil cauliflower until half cooked. Sauté the onion, season the minced meat with it, salt and pepper. Salt the cottage cheese and beat in a blender with kefir or milk to get a thick mass. At the bottom of the form, put the minced meat, then the cabbage disassembled into inflorescences, fill with cottage cheese. Bake in the oven at 200 ° C for about 50 minutes.


• Lunch: sauerkraut cabbage soup, steam chicken cutlet.

• Dinner: buckwheat porridge with vegetables.

Fish in Orange Sauce

Put the fish on a baking sheet covered with foil. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with dried herbs. Cut a large orange into circles. Squeeze the juice out of half on the fish, put the remaining circles on top. Grill in the oven until cooked.


• Lunch: a salad of tomatoes, boiled chicken breast, herbs, pineapple. Season with a mixture of lemon juice and homemade yogurt.

• Dinner: Warm tongue salad

Evening Salad with Tongue

• three hundred grams of boiled tongue;

• a bunch of parsley;

• a teaspoon of soy sauce.

Slice hot boiled tongue. Combine with chopped parsley. Season with soy sauce, salt and pepper if desired.

The menu for the week for the Minus 60 diet is very simple. From the allowed products you can make any dishes to your taste. The main thing is not to violate the principles.


Watch the video: What Sadhguru Eats? Sadhguru Diet Plan. Sadhguru Latest. (June 2024).