Dandelion Syrup - Vitamin Harvesting! Recipes of healthy dandelion syrup with sugar and lemon, spices, ginger, honey


Dandelion syrup is not just a treat, but also a wonderful remedy. It will help to cope with coughs and colds, increase immunity, save from rheumatism and a host of other problems. Sweetness is excellent in the cellar all winter and will delight you with a sunny aroma at any time.

Dandelion syrup - general principles of preparation

• Dandelions. For medicinal syrup, only fresh and juicy yellow flowers are used. It is better to collect them in the morning, when they just bloomed. If there are injuries on dandelions, a lot of insects, then they are not suitable. Also, it is not necessary to take flowers that are not loose enough, which have already been saturated with solar energy, not filled with aroma. In dandelions, only the yellow parts are used, the green cup and stems must be removed.

• Sugar. Uses regular sand. It is better to pick a pure product from the packaging than from a sugar bowl. The amount indicated in the recipe is better not to change.

• Water. Since the product has a lot of healing properties, contains many vitamins, it is undesirable to take water from the tap. It is best to get spring, well water. At worst, use a filter.

• Acid. So that the syrup is well stored, not sugared, citric acid or fresh juice is added to it. Can be replaced with apple cider vinegar.

• Additional ingredients. Dandelions themselves are fragrant and pleasant to taste, but often other ingredients are added to them: spices. Ginger, lemons or oranges. Instead of plain water, fruit and berry juices can be used.

Simple Dandelion Syrup

The recipe for sweet and fragrant dandelion sugar syrup. For this goodies you will need only three main ingredients and some free time.


• 230 dandelion flowers;

• 800 grams of sugar;

• 500 grams of water;

• 0.5 tsp citric acid.


1. Tear off fresh dandelions. We rinse, immediately remove the receptacle, that is, a green cup. Only yellow thin petals and internal stamens should remain.

2. We connect the flowers with clean well or spring water. We send to the stove, bring to a boil, boil for five minutes, turn it off. Cover, cool to room temperature, then remove for a day in the refrigerator.

3. We take out the dandelion broth, filter through cheesecloth, squeeze the flowers to extract all the valuable substances and aroma as much as possible.

4. Pour the broth into a clean saucepan, add citric acid and granulated sugar to it. Mix and slowly heat. All sugar should dissolve before boiling.

5. After boiling, make the fire slightly below average, cook for 30 minutes.

6. Pour the delicacy from dandelions into a sterile jar, roll up the lid, turn "upside down". After cooling, return to normal position, put away for storage.

Fragrant Dandelion Syrup with Lemon

The option of a wonderful treat that will replace honey will delight you with its aroma and taste. It can be added to tea, used instead of jam.


• 150 g of dandelions;

• 800 ml of water;

• large lemon;

• 2 glasses of sugar.


1. Many simply twist the lemon, then squeeze the juice. In fact, this method can give bitterness. Therefore, it is better to rinse the citrus, remove the zest from it, it is not bitter, but extremely fragrant. In a separate bowl, squeeze the juice, tightly close, put it in the refrigerator for now.

2. As in the previous recipe, we prepare a decoction of the yellow parts of dandelions and pure water, but now we add the previously prepared zest. Boil for about five minutes, cool. We send dandelion broth to the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.

3. We filter the broth, throw away all unnecessary. Combine the resulting liquid with sugar.

4. We put the future syrup on the stove. Cook at low boil for 20 minutes. The foam that will appear is carefully removed.

5. Pour lemon juice. Cook the syrup for another twenty minutes.

6. Fill in a sterile jar, cork, remove for storage.

Dandelion syrup for cough (no boiling)

A recipe for concentrated dandelion cough syrup. We need the freshest and most juicy flowers, otherwise nothing will work.


• 250 g of flowers;

• 50 ml of lemon juice;

• 250 g of sugar.


1. Prepare the yellow dandelion petals in the usual way. We throw it into a bowl, immediately add all the sugar.

2. Lower the clean hand and begin to crumple the mass. Sugar must be moistened.

3. Press the dandelions to the bottom, pull the plastic wrap on a bowl, and send them to the refrigerator. We stand 10 hours.

4. Take out the dandelions with sugar, add fresh lemon juice to them. Stir again, cover with cling film, leave for another 5-7 hours, all night.

5. Now you need to strain the syrup, carefully squeeze dandelions through a clean cotton rag.

6. Pour the product into a clean jar. We accept cough for 1 tbsp. l 3 times a day, you can slowly dissolve, like honey.

Dandelion Syrup with Ginger

Another din recipe for healthy dandelion syrup. The tool can be used to treat cough and colds, strengthen immunity, as well as increase overall vitality. Ginger should be used only fresh, dried and chopped root from the bags will not work.


• 20 g of fresh ginger;

• 100 g of lemon;

• 500 g of sugar;

• 200 g of dandelions;

• litere of water.


1. Wash the lemon. Pour boiling water over citrus to remove plaque and destroy microbes, wipe, remove zest from it. You can’t grind it, throw it into a saucepan.

2. Ginger root can not be peeled, measure and cut the desired piece, rinse well and cut into thin plates. We send in a saucepan to the zest.

3. Prepare dandelions. Wash, squeeze out the flowers or just spread them out so that they dry out. Then we remove all unnecessary, throw yellow particles into a saucepan.

4. Add water to the fragrant ingredients. We put all this on the stove, boil for a few minutes. Cooling down. We cover, let it brew in the refrigerator overnight, and preferably the whole day.

5. Strain the broth, pour into a clean saucepan, add granulated sugar, put on the stove. Boil the syrup for a third.

6. Squeeze the juice from fresh lemon. We filter from the seeds and pulp, send to the syrup. Cooking another ten minutes.

7. Pour into a clean glass jar, cork.

Honey Dandelion Syrup

To prepare this aromatic syrup, you will need natural bee honey, but it does not need much. But the delicacy will turn out to be unusually tasty. By the way, even candied honey will do.


• 100 g of honey;

• 150 g of dandelions;

• 700 ml of water;

• 0.3 tsp citric acid;

• 600 g of sugar.


1. We start with a decoction. We connect the peeled petals of dandelions with water, boil for twenty minutes. Then remove from heat, cool, insist.

2. Filter the broth, mix with granulated sugar, cook for about ten minutes.

3. Add to the dandelion syrup citric acid, mixed with 1 tbsp. l hot water.

4. Continue cooking for about ten minutes.

5. Put honey, stir. Let the syrup boil, remove from heat. Sometimes the syrup is first cooled to 60 degrees, only then add natural honey. This technique allows you to maximize the preservation of useful substances in the product. You can do that too.

6. Pour into a jar. Close the dandelion treat with a lid.

Spiced Dandelion Syrup

A recipe for an incredibly fragrant delicacy with a sunny taste and a stunning oriental aroma. Don't you like some kind of supplement? Exclude and do to your taste.


• 500 g of sugar;

• 150 g of dandelions;

• 1 stick of cinnamon;

• 1 liter of water;

• 1 tsp zest;

• 2 tbsp. l lemon juice;

• 10 g of ginger (root);

• 2 cloves;

• 1 vanilla pod;

• some cardamom.


1. We prepare a concentrated flower decoction. We connect the dandelion petals with all the spices of the zest, send to the stove.

2. Bring to a boil quickly, then reduce the heat, simmer for about thirty minutes.

3. We insist under a closed lid until it cools completely.

4. Filter the broth, combine with granulated sugar.

5. We put the syrup to cook on the stove, when boiling, remove the foam. Cook over moderate heat until the delicacy is a third.

6. Pour in the lemon juice. Let it boil for a couple of minutes, pour into small sterile jars.

Dandelion syrup on apple (orange) juice

The simplest recipe for dandelion syrup or honey, as it is also called. You can take any juice, it is better to squeeze it out of the fruit yourself.


• 800 ml of juice;

• 3 tbsp. Sahara;

• 130 dandelion flowers.


1. Boil dandelion flowers in juice for fifteen minutes, let it brew for a day. We filter.

2. Add sugar to the broth, put on the stove.

3. We prepare the syrup after boiling for 20-30 minutes.

4. If the juice is not acidic, then for better preservation of the syrup and prevent sugaring, add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

5. Pour into jars, send to a cool place for storage.

Dandelion syrup - tips and tricks

• In the syrup from dandelions, you can add other medicinal plants: plantain, chamomile, oregano. To add a refreshing taste add mint or lemon melissa.

• If at the moment there is no time to prepare syrup, you can remove the peeled dandelion flowers in the freezer, nothing will happen to them. In their free time they will need to be taken out, immediately filled with water and boiled. Thawing flowers is optional.

• Dandelion syrup - a very healthy treat for children and adults. Do not use flowers collected along the roads within the city limits for its preparation. It is better to collect them in environmentally friendly places.


Watch the video: Benefits of Dandelion (June 2024).