Cold borsch: a step by step recipe - in the heat it’s the most! Step by step recipes, the secrets of cooking delicious cold borsch


A fragrant tasty dish that can quench your thirst, saturate and delight your eyes with its bright ruby ​​color - this is cold borsch! Think soup can't be cold? You are mistaken! The best step-by-step recipes will help you diversify your summer diet with benefits for the body.

Step by step recipe for cold borsch - preparation of products

Prepare cold beetroot soup. The vegetable should be fresh, with no signs of rot and spoilage. The most delicious dish is obtained from freshly picked root. Beets are thoroughly washed and boiled, then cooled, chopped.

Also, fresh cucumbers, radishes, potatoes, eggs, greens are added to the borsch. Wash cucumbers and radishes, cut into strips, boil the potatoes and eggs, cool, cut. Eggs can be included in the main composition of the dish or used as a decoration for the finished borsch. The greens are washed, dried, finely chopped.

Often for satiety and taste in the borscht to the vegetables add boiled meat, sausages, smoked fish.

Beet broth, kefir, sour cream diluted with water, homemade bread kvass, yogurt, etc. can become a “broth” for cold borsch.

Do not put spices in the dish, using only salt, pepper and a little sugar. Vinegar gives sourness to borsch, which can be replaced with lemon juice and sorrel.

Before serving, the borscht is necessarily cooled, seasoned with sour cream, if desired. A dish of bread can be served with a bowl of bread or homemade rye croutons with garlic or horseradish.

1. Cold borsch in Lithuanian: a step by step recipe


• three medium-sized beets;

• two fresh cucumbers;

• chicken eggs - four pieces;

• onion greens - five stalks;

• dill greens - one bunch;

• kefir with high fat content - seven glasses;

• sour cream - one hundred grams;

• salt - ten grams;

• fresh parsley for serving - four stalks.

Cooking method:

1. To start, prepare all the vegetables: wash the beets, fill them with water, slightly salt and cook over medium heat until cooked. Take the cooked beets out of the water and transfer them to a bowl of cold water so that it cools faster. Then free it from the peel, grind it on a coarse grater, put it in a clean pan.

2. Pour eggs in water too and cook over medium heat for at least five minutes after boiling water. Cool the eggs by laying them in cold water. And so that during the cooking process the egg shell does not crack and the protein does not leak, pour a little salt into the water before cooking. Peel and chop cold eggs with medium cubes.

3. Wash fresh cucumbers thoroughly, cut together with the peel with medium cubes.

4. Put prepared beets, eggs, cucumbers in a pan of a suitable size, mix.

5. Wash the dill and onions, shake, chop, add to the pan to the vegetables, mix again.

6. Add not very fat sour cream to the vegetable mixture, salt, pepper if desired, mix thoroughly.

7. Dilute kefir with a small amount of boiled cooled water (take about half a liter of boiled water per liter of kefir). Pour diluted kefir into a pot of vegetables.

8. Put the cooked cold Lithuanian borsch in the refrigerator to cool.

9. When serving, pour into plates, sprinkle with fresh parsley on top.

10. Also place a flat breadbox with sliced ​​brown bread on the table.

2. Cold borsch: a step by step recipe with sausage


• any boiled sausage - a small piece;

• two fresh cucumbers;

• radish - six pieces;

• dill, parsley - half a bunch;

• three chicken eggs;

• two medium beets;

• four medium potato tubers;

• three liters of beetroot decoction;

• salt, sugar - ten grams each;

• 9 percent acetic acid - two teaspoons;

• sour cream - 150 grams for serving;

• dill, parsley for serving - four stalks.

For beetroot broth:

• two small beets;

• one leaf of lavrushka;

• 3 peas of allspice;

• salt - ten grams;

• acetic acid - one tablespoon.

Cooking method:

1. As in the first recipe, first prepare all the necessary products: put the beets in slightly salty water and cook over medium heat until cooked, cool in cold water. Wash the potatoes, put them in salted water and cook over medium heat for a little over half an hour (if you have young potatoes, then cook for no more than ten minutes). Put the cooked potatoes in a separate bowl, cool and peel. Cook eggs in slightly salty water for at least seven minutes to make hard-boiled. Wash fresh cucumbers and radishes. If the radish is bitter, peel it.

2. Grind the peeled cooled beets on a Korean grater.

3. Cut cucumbers, sausage, potatoes and eggs with a thin knife into thin strips. Wash parsley and dill, chop.

4. Put all prepared foods in a deep pan.

5. Cook the beetroot broth: wash the two beets thoroughly (rinse the beets very well using special brushes to prevent the broth from becoming dirty). Put the vegetables in a small metal container, fill with water, add a leaf of parsley and three peas of allspice, slightly salt, put on a large fire, bring to a boil and after boiling water, pour a little vinegar and cook on a small fire until the beets soften. When the beets become soft, take it out, and strain the broth through cheesecloth, cool.

6. Pour cold beetroot broth into a pan with chopped vegetables and herbs, pour in acetic acid (you can add lemon juice instead of acetic acid, the taste of the prepared cold borscht will not change from this), salt, add sugar, mix well.

7. Put the finished cold borsch in the refrigerator to cool.

8. Pour the chilled borscht into portioned plates, put one tablespoon of sour cream of medium fat content in each, sprinkle with fresh parsley and dill. Also put on a table a flat plate with lightly fried croutons with horseradish made from rye bread. You can make croutons this way: cut rye bread into thin slices, place them on a frying pan and fry in the oven for ten minutes. Cool the toasted bread. Peel the horseradish roots well, rinse, grind in a blender into a homogeneous gruel. Dilute the gruel from horseradish with a small amount of water (about five tablespoons of water per horseradish). Using a sharp mixture, grease the fried slices of bread.

9. Also, you can not pre-dilute the cold borsch with sausage beetroot decoction, just arrange the vegetable mixture with sausage on plates and each will add the decoction in the quantity necessary for him. If there is not enough salt in the borsch, then during serving you can slightly salt the dish to your liking.

3. Cold borsch: a step by step recipe with smoked cod


• three small beets;

• one middle smoked cod;

• two fresh cucumbers;

• onion greens - eight stalks;

• five branches of parsley and dill;

• medium fat sour cream - half a glass;

• acetic acid 9 percent - 30 ml;

• sugar - twenty grams;

• salt - half a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the beets thoroughly with running water, put in a deep iron pan, pour in water, put on medium heat and cook for about forty minutes until the vegetable is ready.

2. When the beets are cooked, cool it by putting it in a bowl of cold water, so that it quickly reaches readiness and cools down.

3. Free the cold beets from the peel, cut into thin strips or chop on a grater for Korean slicing.

4. Put chopped or grated beets in an iron bowl with cold boiled water, put on medium heat, bring to a boil and pour acetic acid (add vinegar to beets so that after boiling the beets do not lose their red saturated color). Or instead of acetic acid, you can squeeze the juice of one lemon.

5. After boiling, strain the broth and cool.

6. Wash the onion greens, chop, sprinkle it with salt and crush with your hands.

7. Fresh cucumbers cut into a medium cube and mix them with onions.

8. Put cucumbers with onions in a chilled beetroot broth, slightly salt (if necessary), sprinkle with sugar and add sour cream, mix thoroughly until the sour cream is completely dissolved. Put borsch in the refrigerator for cooling.

9. Meanwhile, put the eggs in cold water, boil over medium heat for seven minutes, transfer them to cold water, cool, peel and cut into four equal parts.

10. Cut the smoked cod, remove all the available bones, cut the fillet into medium slices.

11. When serving, pour borsch in portioned soup plates, put a slice of boiled egg and a slice of cod in each, garnish with fresh parsley and dill leaves on top. If there is not enough salt, slightly salt.

12. Also, when serving, place a separate plate with slices of black or rye bread.

Step by step recipe for cold borsch - secrets and useful tips

• Cold borscht turns out to be especially beautiful and bright, if beetroot is used for its preparation.

• Also, so that the beets do not lose their color during cooking, add a little acetic acid after boiling water.

• It may seem strange, but cold borscht tastes better and richer if you cut all the ingredients into strips, and not into a cube.

• Cold borscht tastes better if infused in the refrigerator for at least an hour. The longer the better.

• Be sure to season the dish with sour cream, so the taste of borsch will be more tender and rich. Enjoy your meal.


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