Swollen brush and sore: the most common causes. How to treat and combat a pathological condition?


Swelling of the hands, accompanied by pain, most often indicates the progression of a serious illness. With edema of the limbs, a malfunction in the work of an organ occurs. It is impossible to delay such a problem in any case, and it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to consult and begin competent treatment.

Common causes swelling of the brush and pain

The most common reason that provokes this condition is excessive fluid intake at bedtime. Also the role is played by the amount of food eaten, alcohol consumed. After this, the general condition of the body may worsen. Edema may pass after a couple of hours after waking up, but some of them can not go away even after a week. The syndrome of persistent swollen hands indicates the presence of serious diseases. Also, this may indicate an exacerbation of the pathology.

Also, quite a part of the hand swell and hurt during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that bacteria through a small abrasion fall under the upper layer of the dermis. At the slightest pressing, severe pain occurs. In women, body temperature may increase, headache, dizziness and nausea appear.

There are some factors explaining the cause of swelling of the hand. The most common causes of swelling and pain in the hand:

1. Injury, injury or fracture. The island-inflammatory process is a normal reaction and it is enough to apply cold to eliminate it. After that, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

2. Allergic reaction. The reason may be detergent, powder, fabric softener. It is important to identify the tool and exclude it from use. Their use is possible if you wear rubber gloves when washing and washing dishes. In addition to chemistry, fruits or vegetables can cause allergies.

3. Swelling on the hands may occur when the capillaries are blocked. This is a very dangerous condition, since everything can even turn out to be fatal.

4. Significant edema, accompanied by pain, may indicate problems with the thyroid gland. It is impossible to solve such a problem yourself, so you should visit an endocrinologist and undergo an examination.

5. Swelling of the hand can be observed in case of poor functioning of the liver, kidneys and heart failure.

6. There is another important factor that causes a pathological condition - poor and improper nutrition, prolonged continuous work in one position, poor sleep. To solve the problem, it is necessary to revise the schedule of rest and work.

7. Swelling can be observed with prolonged physical exertion. It is important to establish a clear schedule.

Regardless of the reason, it is important to start solving the problem in a timely manner.

What to do if swollen brush and sore

The majority of the population that has encountered the problem believes that the best way out of the situation is the use of diuretics. In some situations, this action will give a positive result. But usually the uncoordinated use of medicines negatively affects the patient's condition.

It is important to remember that all synthetic diuretics are related to prescription drugs. This is due to the presence of a large number of third-party reactions. To reduce the likelihood of progression of negative reactions, the specialist often prescribes additional drugs. They help to adjust the balance of important ions in the body. funds prevent the occurrence of seizures and hypotension.

To eliminate the swelling of the hands and overcome the pain, it is important to be the first to clarify the cause of their occurrence. If the pathological condition does not appear due to diseases, then the problem can be solved independently. To speed up the healing process is possible with:

Light massage;

· recreation;

· Herbal tea;

· Relaxing baths.

Only if severe pain is observed, does it make sense to use additional painkillers. If swelling occurs during pregnancy, then you should consult a doctor who will inform. Only a doctor will be able to assess the potential risk of symptoms for mom and baby.

In order to eliminate the swelling that occurs from eating foods with a high content of sodium salts, you need to drink as much purified liquid as possible. Thanks to this, accumulated salt can be eliminated.

With pathologies of the internal organs and capillaries, it will be necessary to treat the ailment, otherwise it is simply impossible to eliminate puffiness. Self-medication is prohibited.

The brush swells and hurts: what to do and important rules

What to do first, if the hand swells and pain appears? It is important to adhere to some rules:

1. The first step is to remove the compressive bracelets, watches, and baubles from the wrist. Thanks to this, blood flow can be improved. Bags are recommended to be worn on the shoulder or in the hands, and not on the bend of the elbow. This is due to blood circulation and its violation. The bag squeezes at the elbow, which leads to swelling of the arm.

2. For swelling and pain, it is important to abandon the use of salty and spicy foods. Also, do not drink alcohol. Due to such products, the liquid is retained in the body for a long period.

3. When swelling of the hand, it is important to limit fluid intake. This includes not only water, tea and coffee. Soups, liquid fermented milk products also have relationships. Drink fluids a couple of hours before bedtime.

4. In case of puffiness, it is necessary to include as much as possible such products as cucumbers, cottage cheese, watermelons, as well as celery, mountain ash, and viburnum juices in your diet. The products have a rich composition that is full of vitamins and minerals.

5. If the room is too stuffy, then it should be aired as often as possible. You can also use air conditioning or a fan.

6. Improving water metabolism is possible through exercise. They will be able to give muscle tone. Preference should be given to running, walking, walking or swimming. Walking on a bicycle will not interfere. Every day after waking up, you should charge. If possible, it is recommended to perform exercises before bedtime.

7. In case of swelling of the hands, a contrast shower is useful. A sharp temperature difference has a good effect on blood circulation and significantly reduces puffiness. A bathhouse or sauna is able to establish water exchange.

8. Satisfied often have a beneficial effect baths with the addition of sea salt. But the temperature of the water should be between 35-37 degrees. Add 300 grams of salt to a full bath. Take baths immediately after feeling unwell. Take time about half an hour. Sea salt is able to dissolve on its own without additional stirring.

Edema should be treated only after establishing the true cause, or you can cause severe harm to health.

The brush swells and hurts - what to do and how to treat with the help of folk recipes

Folk remedies are very effective, but the use of any of them must be agreed with the doctor. It is forbidden to have a strong effect on the affected part. Home treatment implies proper nutrition and the use of healing herbal remedies. With proper nutrition, the patient restores metabolism.

With arthrosis, as many foods as possible containing calcium and gelatin should be eaten. Such substances restore cartilage and articular tissue. In addition to the diet, patients should use infusions from medicinal plants, which are characterized by antiflogistic action. You can relieve swelling and reduce the increase in pain by using baths with chamomile or St. John's wort.

A positive effect on the metabolism in the body is exerted by bee stings. Apitherapy guarantees a quick blood supply to the affected area of ​​the body. It also serves as anesthesia for exacerbations. Arthrosis of the hands has a less pronounced course.

If you follow all the recommendations of a specialist, correctly treated at home using traditional medicine, it is possible to prevent complications and relapses of the pathological condition. But you need to remember that the recovery period takes not so little time. If the hands are swollen and in the next of kin, then preventive measures should be taken.


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