How did Alexander Strizhenov actually manage to lose 50 kg?


Director and producer Alexander Strizhenov has lost a lot of weight lately. He has changed so much that the most improbable rumors were spread among the people.

Someone claimed that Alexander sat on the original diet, eating 5-6 grapefruits daily. As a result, he managed to lose as much as 50 kg.

Someone said that Strizhenov used supplements, drank green coffee, was very hungry. And what really?

Alexander claims that everything written is a lie. For the past 10 years, the director has been periodically trying to lose weight, because his weight was growing rapidly, since it was difficult for Strizhenov to limit himself to eating.

Neither diet nor fasting did not bring the desired result. On the contrary, Alexander only recovered. But once, when he stopped consuming huge portions of pleasure, the weight went down. Strizhenov did not resort to any special prohibitive measures, he simply began to eat less.


Watch the video: The Youth of Peter the Great 1980 movie (July 2024).