50 things that every woman should do with the advent of the child


The life of a new mother changes with the advent of the baby.

Mom and all family members are faced with the need to subordinate the old order of things to the needs of a small miracle.

We hope the tips below will help you enjoy all the joys and concerns of motherhood!

1. Accept changes. Now a child has appeared in your life, and it will become completely different. With the advent of the baby, happiness and joy come to the house, but also new responsibilities.

2. Be sure to breastfeed. It's no secret that breast milk contains all the necessary substances for the full development of the baby. Even the process itself can bring joy and pleasure to the baby and his mother. No mixture will ever replace breast milk. If you have any difficulties with breastfeeding, contact a specialist, study the literature.

3. Listen to the recommendations of a pediatrician and follow the rules of caring for a newborn. Care must be thorough, regular and correct. Treat the umbilical wound, wipe the face of the baby and all the anatomical folds on the body with a solution of chamomile. Explore all the subtleties and nuances of caring for a newborn (recommendations of doctors, advice from mothers who took place, manuals and articles) and more often listen to the maternal instinct.

4. Learn to use diapers. This is an amazing invention that has repeatedly simplified the life of modern mothers. Use them and be grateful for the progress! It is quite simple. Soon you will get it so well that you will change his clothes blindly.

5. Learn how to cut tiny nails on the handles (once a week) and on the legs (once in two weeks). Most likely, immediately after the maternity hospital, you will have to cut the nails, they managed to grow in the long months, while the baby was in the womb. The main thing is not to be afraid and do everything neatly and slowly.

6. Walk with your baby in the fresh air. It is essential for its health and harmonious development. After discharge from the maternity hospital, you can start walking on the street with the baby within a couple of days (if weather conditions contribute to this). First leave for a while - 15 minutes will be enough. Gradually increase your time in the open air.

7. Keeping the house clean and tidy is the key to the health of your baby and the whole family. But look at the next item.

8. Set priorities correctly. Do not try to remake the endless household chores and responsibilities. Now your main responsibility is caring for your baby. Instead of exhausting affairs, while the baby sleeps, rest and you. After all, now your duty, which lasts 24 hours a day, is to meet the needs of the baby. Take care of your strength, and ask your husband, mother, mother-in-law or other family members to temporarily deal with household chores.

9. Do not be nervous and stay calm. The more relaxed, rested, satisfied you will be, the more calm your baby will be, and it will be easier for you to care for him.

10. From two weeks of age, be sure to lay out the baby on the tummy. It helps to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and neck.

11. Learn to cope with colic. With colic, the baby has a stomachache, and he may cry and act restlessly. This problem is quite common in infants in the first three months of life, but it is not dangerous for the health of the baby. For the relief of symptoms, it is recommended that babies receive a light massage of the abdominal cavity, and a nursing mother should follow a strict diet (first months). If colic does not pass, the doctor may prescribe special medications, dill water, tea for fennel, and so on.

12. Communicate with the child. By the second month of life, many babies begin to “roar”, thereby announcing their desire and need to communicate with their relatives. Take it on handles, answer it and gently caress your grown up miracle.

13. Do not forget about her husband. Almost all your time and thoughts will be devoted to the baby. Remember that your husband still needs your attention, care and kind words.

14. Enjoy life. Optimism is what the baby absorbs with the mother's milk.

15. Regularly humming the baby lullabies. The melodic voice of the mother contributes to the development of hearing receptors.

16. To learn one by one only to understand what is bothering the baby. Breast children do not cry from whims, from unmet needs. It will take a month - two and you can easily determine the cause of dissatisfaction with the baby.

17. Buy a baby beautiful, bright, musical toys. They should not be too much, the main thing is that they are interesting, and develop the child's sense organs.

18. Do not overheat the baby and bathe it regularly. This will help to avoid the common problem of the first months of life - sweating (a small red rash, through which an infection can get into the body of a baby).

19. Be sure to stroke the child, do a special massage and gymnastics for newborns. While the baby is still very small and sedentary, the tone of his muscles is weak. A pediatrician will tell you about special exercises and muscle-strengthening massage.

20. In winter, give the child (first year of life) vitamin D for the prevention of rickets. You will consult with the local pediatrician in this occasion.

21. To have patience and endurance, learn self-control. Small children often wake up at night, they sometimes get sick, break their knees and these things need to be taken with calm calm, but decisive actions.

22. Take a course or watch a video, read the special literature on first aid. Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to avoid traumatic situations when the baby is growing. He can swallow a button or other small object, burn himself, get rid of himself, and so on. It is necessary to clearly know what to do in such cases and not to be in shock.

23. Keep the sanity in clarity and not to make an elephant out of a fly. When a child has a slight redness, do not immediately grab the phone and call an ambulance. Stay reasonable!

24. As often as possible to take pictures and video of the baby. Children grow very fast, and the more moments you take, the more joyful moments your family will experience when watching a photo album or movie.

25. Keep "Diary of Success" baby. Regularly make notes in it: weight gain, when the baby learned to smile, hold his head, crawl, walk, when the first tooth got out of him. All these moments are quickly forgotten, it is better to write them down.

26. Make a cast of the handle or leg of a small miracle. As he grows up, it will be fun to see how tiny he was.

27. Play with the baby. At different ages, games are different. When he is very small, you can cover his face with his hands, and then spread his palms and smile gently, pronouncing "Ku-ku." Then the games begin in ladies, magpie-crow, then hide-and-seek and others. Have fun!

28. Infinitely love your baby. Maternal affection, love and care will allow the baby to grow up happy, healthy, contented and confident.

29. Love to read fairy tales and poems. Your baby will thank you for a session of informative reading. This time will help not only to develop the baby, but also give invaluable minutes of communication between mother and child. You can stroke and caress your miracle, hug him, after reading the exciting adventures of chicken ryaba or bun.

30. Listen to music with the baby. Take the baby in your arms and circle with him, dance. The child will form a sense of tact.

31. Teach relatives to give their time to the baby. It is useful for the child to contact from time to time not only with mom and dad. And for you it will be a great opportunity to enjoy the rest, do yourself. For psychological comfort you must, at least occasionally, have personal space and free time.

32. Teach a child to ask for a pot. Sometimes it is easy, sometimes it takes months. Be decisive and consistent, and you will certainly conquer the next stage of maturation of your baby.

33. Engage in creativity with the baby. Draw, sculpt, assemble puzzles together. Creative activities help develop the child's intelligence.

34. When the baby learns to walk confidently, walk by the hand to the nearest store. This will be his first, exciting journey into a more adult and independent life.

35. When the baby gradually goes to the "adult table", learn to cook not only healthy dishes, but also to bake homemade cookies. It will be much more useful than any production, and cooking can bring a lot of pleasure to you.

36. Praise your baby. Celebrate and approve of his small achievements, cultivating self-esteem and self-confidence.

37. Learn to keep the child in reasonable severity, to be able to "fight" with the whims and manipulation of the baby.

38. Eat right and live a healthy lifestyle. This will serve as an example for the child.

39. Not only listen, but also hear the child. Talk with your baby, be interested in his thoughts, mood. So you better know and understand it.

40. Learn to cope with age crises. There will be a lot of them, but having gained wisdom and patience, you will pass through them together.

41. Look good. Even if you are not free and you have a lot to do, this is not a reason to remain indifferent to your own appearance. Your child will be proud of his beautiful and radiant mom!

42. Stay interesting. Often new mothers can’t support adult talk. The circle of interests, mainly due to lack of free time, in any case, will be narrowed. But do not give up your hobbies, give them at least a little time, continue to be interested in the events in the world, read, watch movies.

43. Do not forget that you had friends. From time to time you can meet with "old" friends and have plenty of fun. Circle of communication should not close on the family, relatives and newly minted moms from the park.

44. To create a favorable psychological and emotional climate in the family. Let the relationship be open, trusting and friendly between all members of your family.

45. Expand the world of the baby. When the baby is older, bring him to travel. The child learns that the world is big and diverse.

46. ​​Give your baby gifts and surprises. Let your child receive them not only on holidays. It will make his day, as well as his whole life, even more pleasant and fabulous.

47. Teach the child basic categories. To instill in the child a sense of duty, morality, the concepts of good and evil, friendship, love.

48. Allow the child to be himself and do what he likes. Encourage his interests, develop inclinations, support his initiatives.

49. Give the baby an opportunity to become independent and grow up. Do not forbid him everything, he grows, exactly as his needs. In an effort to protect the child from everything in the world, you can turn it into a weak-willed creature. Better be his friend and helper!

50. Brightly celebrate the birthdays of the baby and every New Year. Invite your child's friends, order a clown, have fun at the holidays from the heart. Childhood - the time of the best memories, and you can leave them in the memory of the baby.
