Honey face masks: pros, cons and 5 simple recipes for cooking at home


In ancient Greece, honey was a universal medicine.

Locals believed that they can cure any disease, if you have it regularly.

And there was not a single representative of the fair sex who would never use the mask with the addition of honey. Greek women took great care of how they looked and tried to invent the most interesting recipes that would help them to preserve beauty and youth forever.

Since that time (and, of course, not only in Greece), women of any age actively use honey in making masks for their entire body and hair, without ceasing to be amazed by its unlimited healing properties, the importance of which cannot simply be overestimated.

This article is about exactly how to use honey to make effective masks for the skin of the face, without leaving your own home. But first, let's talk about the benefits and possible disadvantages of honey masks.

What are the benefits of honey face masks?

As you know, if the skin is well hydrated, it means that it can retain its elasticity longer, help you look younger for a long time and avoid the appearance of wrinkles. Honey helps to properly distribute moisture over the skin, tends to penetrate deep into the skin, opening and cleansing the pores.

Also, honey has the ability to absorb even the most inconspicuous, at first glance, pollution on the skin, removing its inflammation and eliminating acne, blackheads and black spots. If you regularly use a mask with honey, then soon the skin of the face will become clean, smooth and pleasant to the touch.

Are there any disadvantages to using honey masks?

Yes, there is, as in any other means. Some women may experience a slight allergic reaction to honey masks.

Therefore, before you apply the finished mask on the skin, you should test it on some other, less visible, skin area. Very sensitive skin on the inside of the arm, right above the wrist. Put a little mask on this place and hold for 15 minutes. If you are allergic, you will immediately see signs of irritation. Redness and itching will mean that you, unfortunately, can not use cosmetics, which includes honey.

To reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to use only filtered honey for masks. Of course, it is a little harder to get it than ordinary honey, and yes, it costs a little more. But, the remaining unwanted pollen and insect particles are removed from it, leaving only the clean and healthy product.

You should not use honey cosmetics and those people who have dilated vessels.

Do not miss the fact that pure honey can not be applied to the skin. It must be in the right proportions mixed with other products and components. Only then will it benefit and the best effect on the skin of your face.

We offer you recipes for extremely simple and safe masks with honey that you can easily cook at home.

Nourishing and moisturizing honey and cucumber face mask

Cucumbers are very good for all skin types. This vegetable helps to tone the skin, cool it on a hot day, cleanse and whiten it. Masks with the addition of cucumber are excellent helpers in the fight against acne on the face, small rashes and black dots.

The composition of cucumbers includes about 99% of water, so they not only cleanse the body, if you regularly eat them, but also contribute to the effective hydration of the skin, giving it greater strength and saturating with beneficial vitamins.

The recipe for a mask of cucumber and honey is as follows: it is necessary to carefully chop one cucumber of medium size with a grater. The resulting mass pour 200 ml. boiling water and strain well. Add two small spoons of honey (it will be a big plus if honey is collected in May) and mix.

And everything, your mask is already completely ready to use. Apply it on your face for a quarter of an hour twice a week and you will soon be able to see and feel the positive changes. Rinse the mask better with cool water.

Honey and Banana Soothing Face Mask

This mask can also be used by everyone, regardless of the type of their skin. It will help reduce inflammation, make acne less noticeable, remove rashes and redness. Banana pulp is rich in fiber and vitamins that give the skin smoothness, return it to its former elasticity and help slow down the aging process of the skin.

Bananas are not allergens, so even those who have exceptionally sensitive skin can not be afraid to use banana cosmetics.

To make a mask of banana and honey, you will need to take one fairly ripe banana, peel it off and knead with a fork, for example. I focus on the fact that a banana should be ripe, but not over-ripe. Then it will be moderately soft and it is not difficult to knead it well and mix it with the other components of our mask. Add two small spoons of honey and one spoon of butter to the banana. Apply an even thin layer on the face and hold for no more than 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Nourishing face mask with honey and oatmeal

Oatmeal is full of vitamins and other various components that can bring a lot of benefit to the skin. If you complain of peeling of the skin and pigmentation, then this mask will be for you the best helper in soon getting rid of these shortcomings. Oatmeal in a honey mask can significantly reduce the number of small wrinkles on the face, resist the frequent appearance of acne, redness and other inflammation of the skin, remove an unpleasant feeling of dryness and tightness.

For the preparation of masks allowed the use of oatmeal any grinding. With a special tenderness, oatmeal in the form of a porridge will fall on the skin, but if you want to achieve a peeling effect, you must grind the oatmeal before adding to the mask so that it turns out croup.

To prepare an effective mask based on the above components, you need to take two large spoons of flakes and pour them with milk. Let it stand for a while and add a spoonful of honey. Now mix well so that all the flakes get their share of honey. The resulting mixture is applied several times a week on the skin of the face and soak for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with water at room temperature. After that, you do not need to additionally moisturize your face with any means. The mask is so nutritious that it perfectly softens the skin, making it soft and velvety.

Softening face mask of honey and egg yolk

Undoubtedly, many of you have already heard about the benefits of eggs in the field of cosmetology. Egg yolks help rejuvenate the skin, relieve wrinkles and moisturize excessively dry and flaky skin. Masks with yolk are perfect for absolutely any skin type, so do not worry that this mask will not bring you proper benefits.

Softening mask of yolk and honey is quite simple. The process of its preparation does not take much time. Take one large spoonful of flour and pour in a saucer. Add one egg yolk to the flour, stirring constantly at the same time to make a mixture of normal consistency. Following the yolk, send a spoon of honey in the saucer and stir.

If you do everything right, then the mask will turn out to be of medium thickness and will best lie on the faces. Apply a thin layer of the mask to the skin and distribute in equal amounts over the face, avoiding the most delicate areas of skin under the eyes and around the eyebrows. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.
