Yogurt lovers have a more balanced diet


People who love yogurt benefit not only from enjoying its taste. They have a more balanced diet and get more essential nutrients than people who never eat this dairy product, according to a new study.

Yogurt lovers also eat more other healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, and whole grains, replacing them with less healthy foods - sausage, refined cereals, and beer.

For the study, data collected by interviewing more than 6,500 adults aged 19 to 89 years were analyzed. Each participant completed a questionnaire consisting of 126 points, indicating how often he ate certain foods during the previous year. They were also asked to recall how often they ate a serving of yogurt (one cup).

Researchers found that 53.8% of participants ate yogurt. Among them were 64% of women and 41% of men. The average amount of yogurt consumed was 2.25 cups per week. Yogurt accounted for 1 to 6% of daily calories, depending on how many people ate. These people were less likely to be deficient in essential nutrients. “Yogurt is a very good source of nutrients that your body lacks, such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium,” says study author Paul Jacques at Tufts University.

The nutritional value of one serving of low-fat yogurt is equivalent to the nutritional value of the same portion of skim milk, but the content of potassium, calcium and magnesium in yogurt is approximately 50% higher.

It is, of course, about "live" yogurt, which contains cultures of living microorganisms.


BukaEkaterina 10/09/2016
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Watch the video: A Sample Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan (June 2024).