Sex determination


As soon as future parents find out that they will have a child, at the same time with the feeling of joy that they experience, the question often arises: who will be born - a daughter or a son. For many couples, this is nothing more than a healthy curiosity, a game, a desire to satisfy their interest and begin to prepare the appropriate dowry for the baby. For some, determining the sex of a child is a more serious matter. After all, there are hereditary diseases that can only be transmitted through the male or female line.

Therefore, the opportunity to find out the sex of the baby as early as possible will help the couple analyze the possible outcome of the pregnancy and make a choice in time - to leave the pregnancy or to terminate. There are quite a few ways and techniques with which you can determine the gender of the future baby. Take into account the date of conception, and the blood type, and the zodiac signs of future parents, and each of them gives a certain percentage of hits on the target. But the most accurate methods are still medical.

Determining the sex of the child by medical methods

1. Ultrasound is the most affordable, painless and safe method for determining sex. A routine examination of women using ultrasound equipment is carried out three times for the entire period of pregnancy, which allows you to monitor the health of the fetus at different stages of its development, identify possible pathologies, and optionally determine the gender. More reliable information about the sex of the unborn baby can be obtained by 20-25 weeks of pregnancy, although sometimes it is possible to find out earlier - at 14-16 weeks. Determining the sex of the child using ultrasound is a very effective method, but it does not give a 100% guarantee of the correct result.

2. Amniocentesis - an analysis in which, by piercing the fetal bladder, a small amount of amniotic fluid is taken and its chromosome composition is examined. The procedure is carried out at 14-18 weeks of pregnancy only for medical reasons with suspected genetic diseases or possible malformations. The process of piercing the fetal bladder poses a certain risk for both the expectant mother and the child, but this is the only way out when you need to make an accurate diagnosis or provide timely help. When counting and examining chromosomes, the sex of the fetus is recognized along the way. The accuracy of the information is 99%.

3. Cordocentesis - the procedure is similar to an amniocentesis, only instead of amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord blood of the child is examined.

4. DNA test - a fairly modern technique, was developed in 2007 by American scientists. It turns out that the mother’s blood contains DNA particles from her unborn baby. Therefore, starting from the sixth week, it is possible to accurately (100%) determine the sex of the fetus. It has one significant drawback - the procedure is very expensive.

5. Test for determining the sex of the child (gender test) - acts like a home test to determine pregnancy. The principle of the method is based on the fact that in the urine of a pregnant woman there are sex hormones of the unborn baby, which will help determine its gender. Therefore, if you combine urine with a special reagent contained in the test, the control strip turns green if there is a boy and orange if it is a girl. Testing can be carried out from the 8th week of pregnancy, the accuracy of diagnosis is about 90%.

Determining the sex of a child according to the Eastern method

The East is a delicate matter, and especially in matters of determining the sex of the unborn child. Therefore, do not ignore such a method of determining sex as Chinese and Japanese table-calendars, the more so the probability of coincidence is almost 70%.

The Chinese method determines gender by the age of the mother and the month of conception. Diagnostics is a table, in the leftmost vertical column of which it is necessary to choose the age of the mother, and in the horizontal upper row - the month of conception. Next, at the intersection of these lines there will be a certain letter - "M", which means a boy and "D" - a girl. Well, if ovulation and fertilization occurred in the middle of the month, then the reliability of the determination will be significantly higher. It is possible to make a mistake if the fact of conception happened on the border of two neighboring months, when it is impossible with 100% certainty to know which one.

The Japanese table works a little differently: not only the month of conception is important here, but also the month of birth of the father and mother. First, the first table determines the number that is significant for this pair. Finding it is simple: in the horizontal row, you must select the month of birth of the future father, and in the vertical column, the mother. At the intersection of the months of birth of the parents will be one of the cells of the table with a certain number. In the second table, you need to find this number in the upper horizontal row and select the corresponding column. This column indicates the months of the year when conception can occur, and opposite them is the number of crosses, which shows the probability of a girl or boy being born. The more there are crosses in the columns “boy” and “girl” opposite a certain month, the more likely that a child conceived in this month will be born of one or another gender.

Determining the sex of the child by updating the blood of future parents

There is a hypothesis that in the male body blood is renewed after four years, and in the female after three years (this is due to the fact that there was no major blood loss - during operations, childbirth, blood transfusion, etc.). Therefore, whose blood, father or mother, will be "younger" at the time of conception, i.e. later updated, that gender will be the child. If the blood of the parents was renewed at the same time, the birth of twins is possible. If there was a large loss of blood from the father or mother, the blood renewal should be considered not from the date of birth, but from the date of blood loss. Determining the sex of a child by this method does not have scientific evidence, however, many couples use it in practice. The probability of coincidence is low - a little more than 50%. It is more convenient to consider the calculation procedure using an example:
The age of the father at the time of conception is 27 years, the age of the mother is 22.
Father: 27/4 = 6 (3 in the remainder: 6 * 4 = 24; 27-24 = 3).
Mother: 22/3 = 7 (1 in the remainder: 7 * 3 = 21; 22-21 = 1).
The mother has a smaller balance, her blood was later renewed, which means a girl will be born.
One more example.
The father is 24 years old, the mother is 21.
Father: 24/4 = 6 (at the remainder of 0).
Mother: 21/3 = 7 (at the remainder of 0).
If the residues are the same or equal to zero, the probability of the birth of twins or twins is high.

Determining the sex of the child by folk methods

This is where fantasies go, because Over a centuries-old history, many observations have accumulated and will take, with the help of which they try to determine the sex of the future baby. Here are just the most common ones:

1) On the pendulum. It is necessary to build a plumb line - hang a small iron weight on the thread. The most commonly used engagement ring. Then hold the plumb over your stomach - after some time it will come into motion. If it sways from side to side like a pendulum, a boy will be born, if in a circle - a girl.

2) The fetal heart rate. This method is used when it is possible to listen to the heartbeat of the unborn child. If it is more than 140 beats per minute, you should wait for a daughter, if less - a son. This pattern was noticed by gynecologists, and strangely enough, the percentage of matching predictions is quite high. The most reliable information is considered, starting from 14-15 weeks of pregnancy.

3) The shape of the abdomen. It is believed that if a woman has a round tummy, a girl will be born, if she has a pointed shape - a boy.

4) The density of the father’s hair. If the future dad is bald, the probability of giving birth to a boy doubles.

5) By the appearance of the pregnant woman and her well-being:
- if a woman during pregnancy became prettier - to the birth of a son, if she became a little ugly - to her daughter. It is believed that girls "take" the beauty of their mother;
- future mothers of boys are drawn to the salty, meat, sour, and those who are waiting for a daughter - to sweets, fruits, flour;
- if the pregnant woman’s feet are constantly freezing, a boy will be born;
- if a woman sleeps with her head to the north - to the birth of her son, to the south - to her daughter;
- if severe toxicosis suffers in the morning, a girl will be born;
- if a wife loves her husband more - a daughter will be born, if a husband is a wife, then a son.

Some national signs cause a smile, they can be used, unless entertaining yourself. But at a time when there was no ultrasound, and the sex of the child was recognized only during childbirth, any clues were taken into account. And yet, by and large, it is not so important who is born - a daughter or a son, the main thing is that this child be healthy. And we will not love our child less if he was born of the wrong sex that they expected. If the birth of a son or daughter is so crucial, you can make another attempt. And the dowry for the baby, so as not to make a mistake with the color, can be bought in the last weeks of pregnancy or immediately after birth.


valeiy 09/07/2016
I determine the gender before the birth of VKontakte.

Community - Gender of a child based on photographs of parents.

Galina 08/15/2016
I have my first child according to all national signs, all sorts of tables there and for updating the blood, and even for ultrasound! must be a 100% girl, a man was born))) I’m waiting for the second, also by all accounts a girl, and according to the ultrasound again a boy) So ... how God willing!;)

Happy 03/25/2016
I express gratitude and appreciation to the author of the article. After two boys, I still found myself a girl. Three months later, my Angelina will be born.

Eva777 03/25/2016
We conceived to renew the blood. And it turned out as they wanted, boy. My husband laughed at these calculations, and now he’s just happy !!!

Vika 03/25/2016
Folk methods are the most reliable. My daughter and I wanted sweets, and with my son - constantly salty, smoked and spicy. And beer :))


Watch the video: Sex Determination: More Complicated Than You Thought (June 2024).